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Beriberi: the main symptoms and methods of treatment

Авитаминоз: основные признаки и способы лечения7 signs that you are not getting enough vitamins

Even people who eat healthy can receive essential vitamins and minerals.

If you have any of these symptoms of nutrient deficiency, then follow the advice of doctors, to help the body.

Your nails or internal century – pale

The body loses iron. According to the U.S. centers for control and prevention of diseases is more often happens in women through monthly menstrual bleeding, and vegetarians. Men are more likely to have excessive intake of iron.

Women before menopause need 18 mg of iron daily, while men and postmenopausal women is 8 mg.

Your body better absorbs the iron found in meat, poultry and seafood. For vegetarians source of this element can be the spinach or chickpea. If it has citrus or other foods containing vitamin C, for better absorption of iron.

Your blood pressure is very high

Perhaps you have a lack of vitamin D. Studies show that high intake of fat-soluble vitamins that stabilize blood pressure and prevents the development of hypertension.

Adults need 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day.

This nutrient, which is hard to obtain from food. However, there are some few options: salmon, fortified milk, orange juice and mushrooms grown in sunlight or UV light.

Your blood pressure is very low

This is one of many possible symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B12. Other symptoms of scarcity – unsteady gait, muscle weakness, and lack of bladder control.

Adults need 2.4 micrograms (mcg) daily.

A good source of B12 are shellfish, trout, salmon, beef, milk, eggs and fortified cereals.

The muscles in your legs driving

The body requires potassium for building muscle and protein. Of deficiency, which often causes excessive sweating, diarrhea, vomiting and fluid loss.

You need 4700 mg a day.

Sources of potassium are sweet potatoes, bananas, avocado and coconut water.

You feel tired and irritability

Perhaps you have a deficiency of vitamin C. it Often occurs in smokers and people who tend to be passive Smoking. The study, which was published in the American journal of clinical nutrition, shows that smokers have three times greater risk of vitamin C deficiency than other people.

Women need 75 mg per day and men 90 mg Smokers need an additional 35 mg per day.

Citrus, melon, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, spinach, peppers and broccoli are excellent sources of this vitamin.

You have had several recent fractures

You have a calcium deficiency. Our bones reach their maximum strength at the age of about 30 years, after which they slowly begin to lose calcium.

Men and women before menopause require 1,000 mg per day and postmenopausal women should get 1,200 mg.

The best food sources of calcium include dairy products (yogurt, milk and cheese), some greens (parsley, dill, turnip greens and cabbage) and tofu. If you decide to take a Supplement, divide it into two doses and take with meals.

Cracks in the corners of your mouth

Perhaps you have a deficiency of vitamin B6. Our body has the ability to store this substance in the body for several weeks, but the lack of it may indicate the exhaustion.

People under the age of 50 need 1.3 mg daily, while older people need 1.5 mg and older men is 1.7 mg.

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