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Five simple yoga poses for the perfect figure

To bring the figure in order not only sitting on a diet and attending the gym. Another great for the body and soul is yoga. Of course, some yoga classes can seem a bit boring. After all, there is almost no dynamic movements, all the asanas (exercise) are static – …

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These foods have anti-inflammatory properties

They help the body cope with the threat. We often talk about the inflammatory processes that accompany many diseases: arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease… But what happens when in the body there is inflammation?.. Immune and lymphatic systems of the body respond to the threat of germs, bacteria, viruses, …

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Sunscreens: information which should not be neglected

Without them in the summer is not indispensable. On all the important questions about sunscreens, their selection and proper use of said Yana Gerasimova, beauty salon YG Club. So whether you need sunscreen in the summer? – Use sunscreen year-round is precisely the same necessity as proper nutrition and physical …

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How to avoid poisoning by nitrates

Need to know a few basic rules. There are nitrates for man naturally, what number. It should be remembered that 80% of the nitrates ingested in the human body with food, mainly vegetable. That is — with vegetables and fruit. All plants accumulate nitrates in different ways. Therefore, the allowable …

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What causes us to eat in the middle of the night

Need is night may occur due to a genetic failure. According to the researchers, genes, diet and sleep are closely related. Therefore, in case of failure of one gene is often affected the whole body. According to experts, people who suffer from night eating, there are gene mutations that, to …

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The easiest way to get rid of acne

It is an effective and long-proven remedy. Of Foundation, concealers, powder, blush – these and many other cosmetic products have been invented in order to look better. The majority of them use women, but also young people often seek to appeal, and therefore the possibility of masking of skin imperfections …

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How to overcome the addiction. Clinic Of Polinar

Dependence, whether psychological or chemical is one of the most painful problems of our society. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction can destroy a family, is devastating for the individual. Learn what alcoholism is and how to get rid of it, you can visit http://alkogolizm.polinar-clinic.com/. Faced with this problem? Don’t wait …

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How omega-3 affects the beauty of the skin

The biological role of omega-3 for beauty and skin health. Human skin is a mirror of the whole organism. All know and understand that the outer procedure and the application of various creams, masks and ointments can help here and now. And only after elimination of internal problems in the …

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Doctors called the perfect diet for poisoning

This diet is usually prescribed until complete recovery. Diet for poisoning should be physiologically complete and contain all necessary for the body components – fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The main feature is the cooking steamed or boiled. In addition, from the menu exclude products that enhance the process of putrefaction …

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