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The easiest way to get rid of acne

Самый простой способ избавиться от прыщейIt is an effective and long-proven remedy.

Of Foundation, concealers, powder, blush – these and many other cosmetic products have been invented in order to look better. The majority of them use women, but also young people often seek to appeal, and therefore the possibility of masking of skin imperfections concern for all. But inflammation of the skin, particularly pimples, you want to delete and not hide. And the best way to cope with the task salicylic acid for acne – effective and long-proven remedy.

How does salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is a frequent component of various folk masks, lotions and peels for acne, acne and other skin inflammations. But incorrect use of this tool leads to irreversible consequences and loss of faith in the efficacy of salicylic acid. First, it should be noted that salicylic acid is a good way to get rid of spot pimples, that is when they face the 1-2, not 10-15. Secondly, acne salicylic acid of the weak and not worth trying to challenge on their own experience of this fact.

To get rid of acne with salicylic acid can be due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It dries the skin, penetrating into deeper layers of skin and destroys the bacteria that provoke acne. Moreover, in the area of application of salicylic acid improves blood flow, which in turn induces intense skin regeneration. So you can even lighten acne and dark spots.

Regarding blackheads – salicylic acid against acne is incredibly effective, but it should not be used to cleanse the skin. It lightens black spots, a part of them dissolves, but does not help to cope with them. As you know, the problem should be solved, not masked. The same applies to acne and scars.

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