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How omega-3 affects the beauty of the skin

Как омега-3 влияет на красоту кожиThe biological role of omega-3 for beauty and skin health.

Human skin is a mirror of the whole organism. All know and understand that the outer procedure and the application of various creams, masks and ointments can help here and now. And only after elimination of internal problems in the body, our skin will become healthy and beautiful.

To internal problems in the body, the result of which is reflected on the skin, include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, etc.

To maintain good skin condition in the diet should do omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas). because the body does not synthesize them independently.

In addition to the wide use of omega-3 PUFA in medicine, and this cardiology, rheumatology, Pediatrics, and gastroenterology, and gynecology, and urology and many other medical fields, dermatology and cosmetology omega-3 has also taken its rightful place.

The biological role of omega-3 for beauty and skin health.

– Omega-3 are structural components of membranes that define the biological activity of the phospholipids, membrane permeability and the sensitivity of receptors.

– Omega-3 are responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels and the condition of the capillaries.

– omega-3 provide energy the body for maintaining proper metabolism.

– omega-3 are involved in the synthesis of tissue hormones and stimulate enzymatic activity.

– omega-3 prevent lipid peroxidation of structural lipids, which plays a huge role in the fight against premature aging.

Not the last role played by omega-3 in the optimization processes of the harmful lipolysis: fatty acids promote fat burning, prevent their deposition in the body especially in the stomach area and waist (abdominal fat). And this factor is very important in weight loss programs and in sports, because the body is supplied with energy through the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, but at the expense of fats and proteins are going to build a beautiful body.

If insufficient intake in the diet of omega-3 PUFA may lead to the emergence of various cosmetic and dermatological problems:

a blockage of the sebaceous glands leads to inflammation and, as a result, developing acne;

– reduced immunity and violated the barrier function of the skin, which can lead to the reduced resistance of the skin to adverse effects and increases the risk of penetration into the cell and infection of inflammation;

– destabilization of cell membranes leads to compaction, reducing the membrane permeability, loss of sensitivity of receptors, disruption of enzymatic processes, which ultimately leads to cell death (this problem is especially relevant in the fight against premature aging);

– violation of the structure of the stratum corneum leads to transdermal water loss, peeling skin, brittle nails and hair, development of seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss.

Recently gaining popularity in the cosmetics in a new direction – corneotherapy.

Its essence lies in the combination of methods of skin care that aims at restoring the skin and protecting its barrier functions and in filling of deficiency of those substances, which are present in the stratum corneum and are responsible for its integrity.

In addition to use in daily care cosmetic products, created on the principle of corneotherapy, effective support of the skin “from inside” special complexes containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Why omega-3 fatty acids are so necessary for the skin:

– prevent the development of skin allergies;

– maintain collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles;

– fight acne and pimples;

– speed up healing of the skin;

– eliminate peeling and dryness of the skin;

– reduce itching and inflammation of the scalp with dandruff;

effective in the treatment of chronic dermatitis;

– protect the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight and free radicals;

– break down fats and eliminate toxins which is very important in the fight against cellulite;

– retain moisture inside the skin;

– gives a healthy Shine to hair.

Omega-3 PUFA recommended for: dermatitis, eczema, acne, cellulite, for the prevention of premature aging, fight age-related skin changes; weight loss programs, with intensive physical loads during sports.

Why the need for an additional source of omega-3 PUFA.

Worldwide was, is and will be popular so-called “marine diet”.

The main components of this diet: seafood (shrimp, seaweed, sea fish, etc.). It is not surprising, since in the seafood in addition to proteins, amino acids, vitamins, iodine, calcium, etc., is and omega-3.

In compliance with the marine diet is weight loss, significant improvements in the condition of the hair, nails and skin, strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems, etc.

If an analysis of the diet of the Ukraine, we use marine products is very small. Lake and river fish, which is the traditional food of Ukrainians, contains a very small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and is a good protein product but not as a source of omega-3 PUFA.

Omega-3 PUFA should be ingested with food, because the body does not synthesize them independently. Therefore, the additional inclusion in the diet dietary Supplement OMEGA-3 is a rational and correct decision to have healthy and beautiful skin.

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