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Nine tools to rapidly get rid of bags under eyes

Doctors told with the help of some folk remedies to quickly remove the swelling under the eyes. Just to relieve fatigue, refresh the skin under the eyes, there are excellent folk remedies from nature for your health. That’s what “medicine” for the eyes and the skin around the eyes, we …

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Nine ways to make cakes useful

Nutritionists told me how to make pastries as useful as possible. It is only a little “pokoldovat” over the filling, and – voila – you get a delicious dessert with low sugar content.Do not buy cakes in the store. Their only advantage — they prefer to cook. But they contain …

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Seven amazing properties of coconut water

Doctors called major properties of coconut water. Coconut water is a great natural remedy that can restore the function of the thyroid gland. 1. Coconut water normalizes the thyroid gland When we talk about the healing properties of coconut water in the first place it is worth noting the benefit …

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Autism can be treated with bacteria, scientists

Doctors told about the new way of autism treatment. Scientists from Beloruskogo College in Houston during research have established that breast milk and probiotic togruta contain bacteria, whose activity may overcome certain symptoms of autism. These unusual microbes, scientists were able to find in the microflora of the intestine of …

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Called natural way to get rid of depression

Doctors told how to quickly get rid of depression. In modern society depression has become a kind of “virus”, the impact of which affected many of us. It is not surprising that scientists threw all their forces to search for a universal means to help people become happier. Interested in …

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Called effective way to reduce the risk of stroke

Doctors have told that will help to reduce the risk of stroke in old age. Specialists of the University of Texas (USA) found that physical activity helps reduce the risk of stroke by 40 percent. In order to claim such scientists conducted an experiment with participation of 20 thousand volunteers …

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Called milk with the “sleep” effect

Doctors said the milk has a hypnotic effect and why. The milk was milked the night, helps against insomnia and obsessive anxiety. In any case, according to Korean researchers who published an article in the Journal of Medicinal Food – comparing the behavior of rats, which are fed daily with …

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Health: how to make a cocktail vs blood clots

It is no secret that in the Arsenal of traditional healers has plenty of recipes, cures several diseases. Folk medicine offers a universal cocktail of many diseases. You need to mix in one bottle (preferably dark glass) pharmacy tincture: 100 ml. of motherwort, Valerian, hawthorn, peony, 50 ml. of eucalyptus …

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Scientists: Jogging sneakers harmful to stop

Such information was published by scientists from Australia. Scientists from Australia have proved the assumption about the dangers of special shoes caused the foot when running. This is reported by Western media. It is reported that experts are attracted to the experiment (seven women, whose age averaged 19 years, and …

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Excessively hot coffee and tea can cause cancer

Before drinking hot tea or coffee is better a little cool. Scientists analyzed about a thousand of scientific publications, devoted to the two dozens of different types of cancer. The researchers came to the conclusion that the frequent consumption of hot drinks creates an increased risk of esophageal cancer. Dangerous …

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