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Called natural way to get rid of depression

Назван природный способ избавления от депрессииDoctors told how to quickly get rid of depression.

In modern society depression has become a kind of “virus”, the impact of which affected many of us. It is not surprising that scientists threw all their forces to search for a universal means to help people become happier. Interested in this question and scientists from the UK.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments and came to the conclusion that the best natural cure for depression is sexual satisfaction. However, casual sex can not affect the mental state of a man.

Psychologists believe that such a magical effect on the brain is having sex only in a state of love. According to scientists, the human brain has a special Department responsible for love. It is located in the limbic system. This system is responsible for the functions of wakefulness, sleep, memory, emotions and other conditions that lead to a so-called “happy hormones” (dopamine). This hormone also slows depression.

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