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Health: how to make a cocktail vs blood clots

Здоровье со вкусом: как приготовить коктейль против тромбовIt is no secret that in the Arsenal of traditional healers has plenty of recipes, cures several diseases.

Folk medicine offers a universal cocktail of many diseases.

You need to mix in one bottle (preferably dark glass) pharmacy tincture:

100 ml. of motherwort, Valerian, hawthorn, peony, 50 ml. of eucalyptus leaves and 25 ml. of the herb peppermint.

Add 10 buds cloves (spice with no tolerance you can not add) sage desire.. Leave the mixture for 2 weeks.

Take 3 times a day 1 teaspoon in 1/3 glass of water.

Cocktail just makes a noise in the ears and in the head, helps headache, especially when the head hurts on weather changes.

Tincture prevents the formation of blood clots.

All cardiovascular diseases are treated with this drug.

It is useful for those who suffer from arrhythmia, various disorders of cerebral circulation. As a sedative with nervousness (in this case better without the cloves).

This infusion reduces intracranial pressure and strengthens the nerves, has beneficial effects on the recovery of all body systems.

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