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Nine ways to make cakes useful

Девять способов сделать выпечку полезнойNutritionists told me how to make pastries as useful as possible.

It is only a little “pokoldovat” over the filling, and – voila – you get a delicious dessert with low sugar content.
Do not buy cakes in the store.

Their only advantage — they prefer to cook. But they contain a lot of chemicals with unpronounceable names, you’d expect to see more in chemistry lab than in your kitchen. Better use simple and natural ingredients: flour, butter, salt, sugar and water. Take some time, but this dish can be proud rightly.

Use low-fat sour cream

During cooking add a little low fat sour cream to butter. It will make your dish even more hearty, but don’t overload it. Just whisk them together and add the remaining ingredients as usual.

Try peanut flour

Original taste pastries made with almond flour or flour of the pecans. Since there already contains healthy fats, no need to add tons of butter. Plus in walnuts is fiber, proteins and vitamins, for example vitamin E, which strengthens the immune system.

Or any other flour

Who said it have to be wheat? Try different variations, such as flour from quinoa. Seriously, quinoa is a superstar in the healthy eating plan! She is incredibly well digested and contains a lot of protein.

Refrigerator make your life easier

During cooking keep water, oil, yogurt and sour cream are cold. And the pre-chilled dough is rolled out a lot easier.

Do not overload the dough

Baking is an art, and it is very interesting to experiment with adding different ingredients. However, it is not recommended to overdo this: the crust can be very hard, which is not very good for the digestion.

Be careful with the sugar

Most pies are meant to be desserts. But this does not mean that they should add mountains of sugar. The easiest way is to use the fruit themselves are sweet enough. For example, apples. To give added flavor, perfect spice: nutmeg (very nice with berries), cinnamon (perfect for Apple pie), ginger (great pair with peaches). You can add a little lemon or orange zest to make the flavor even richer. Less sugar — more health.

Yogurt is a healthy fat

It is ideal for those who are watching a figure. Try to use it, for example, in a pie with peanut butter or coconut-blueberry dessert.

Use tofu

Tofu may seem insufficiently attractive ingredient. We used to see it as a bland, tasteless product. But Silken tofu can be a great creamy base that adapts to any taste. Moreover, tofu is not as harmful as butter.

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