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Doctors told about the deadly dangers of watermelon

Experts told why the poisoning watermelon is very dangerous. Poisoning watermelon is most often associated with the contained nitrates. They are contained in fertilizers, which are generously enrich the soil to accelerate growth and ripening. A sign of increased nitrates can serve as an intense red color, yellowish or brown …

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Doctors told about the diet, “kills” liver

Experts have told how the diet is dangerous for the health of the liver. It is known that excessive salt consumption can cause high blood pressure. The results obtained by scientists from China and the UK, suggests that a diet high in salt is dangerous for the liver – it …

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The most dangerous diets for your health

We will advise you which diets can harm your health. In your desire to lose weight and attain the figure of dreams women, sometimes showing incredible will power, forgetting about health. It is proven that no diet does not give stable results, and all the visible changes, which is so …

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Daily intake of cocoa increases the efficiency of the brain

Scientists recommend daily use of cocoa beverage to improve memory. The flavanols in cocoa increase blood flow to the brain and thus can prevent senile dementia, cognitive disorders and stroke. Doctors have studied the effect of compositions of cocoa on cognitive skills of the elderly 59-83 years. Regular consumption of …

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Important tips that may one day save your life

With care for you – life hacks how to help themselves and others. From time to time fate throws us problems, the solution of which may affect someone’s life. To err or not to delay: seconds count. For such examinations it is better to prepare in advance, so experts have …

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Doctors told about the dangers of tea with milk

Experts told, why not drink tea with milk. Tea with milk is harmful to health of the person, such statement was made by experts, once conducted an experiment on the usefulness of tea and coffee. Some people like to drink tea, some coffee. Everyone thinks their drink is useful. Scientists …

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Doctors called safe dose coffee

Doctors told how much coffee you can drink for women and men. Scientists say that the safe dosage of coffee for the men, women, and adolescents can vary and be different at times. Although tea and coffee contain antioxidants, where they are more found in tea. So, while about 400 …

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Doctors told about the dangers of false eyelashes

Experts told why false eyelashes are dangerous for the eyes. Many women tend to make their eyes more expressive and attractive, so they often use an artificial (false) eyelashes. However, although at first glance this practice seems to be completely safe, doctors warn that false eyelashes are a serious danger …

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Named products that irritate the nervous system

Doctors called two products that are the main irritants of the nervous system. Chocolate and meat may cause depression from eating these products people to this conclusion Spanish scientists. They did a study with the participation of more than 15 thousand volunteers. For the past ten years, the researchers tracked …

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To remove inflammation of the kidneys will help millet

Doctors told about the useful properties of millet for the kidneys. Treatment of kidney millet is a great opportunity to give the buds what they want, namely the healthy and calm their work. Millet strengthens the kidneys and the entire urinary system: cleans the kidneys, eliminates sand, stones, helps with …

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