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Named products that irritate the nervous system

Названы продукты, которые раздражают нервную системуDoctors called two products that are the main irritants of the nervous system.

Chocolate and meat may cause depression from eating these products people to this conclusion Spanish scientists.

They did a study with the participation of more than 15 thousand volunteers. For the past ten years, the researchers tracked their diet. In addition, recorded test results and overall health of the participants. According to the results of the experiment, the experts came to the conclusion that depression and other disorders of psychological state is often observed in meat lovers and chocolate. We also found out that these foods can bring the nervous system out of balance. In other words, they have a stimulating effect, reports Planet Today.

As shown by statistics, those study participants who eat chocolate and meat products together, usually forced to take drugs to prevent undesirable consequences.

Previously, scientists have stated that chocolate contains substances essential for maintaining brain health and preventing age-related illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers are advised to consume up to 100 grams of chocolate a day. This will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. A cocoa extract decreases age-related decline of cognitive functions.

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