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Food for the prevention of heart attacks

These products will help to reduce the risk of death from heart attack.A diet rich in oily fish, nuts, vegetable oils and seeds, may reduce the risk of death from heart attack by 10%, found researchers from Stanford University. According to scientists, salmon, mackerel, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and vegetable contain …

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The main symptoms of acute cholecystitis

The first signs of the disease.Cholecystitis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which affects mostly women. Learn what measures to take to avoid cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Basically, the disease develops on the basis of gallstone disease. Acute cholecystitis can carry very …

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Named products that prevent cancer

Doctors told what foods prevent cancer. At the present time from such a terrible diagnosis like cancer, no one is immune. That is why scientists continue not only to develop effective drugs against this disease, but also to find ways of prevention. According to research, the number of products has …

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Named signs that exercise harms the body

Doctors told how to understand that workout is not going to benefit. Delayed onset muscle soreness after a workout is natural: it means that your muscles grow and become stronger. But some types of pain can signal an injury, doing physical activities potentially dangerous to health. Please note the following …

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Named the main reason for causing diabetes

Doctors told why developing diabetes. Scientists claim that 87 percent of the men were genetic traits tend to undergo depression and diabetes. Women are at risk only in 75% of cases. This discovery could help in the creation of innovative tools from both types of disease. At least, I believe …

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How can useful used tea bags

Experts told about the benefits of used tea bags. Using the tea bag for its intended purpose, that is, brew a strong Cup of tea, we usually throw it. But don’t send the tea bag in the trash, because we are ready to offer you several alternatives of its use …

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Treatment and strengthening of hair salt

In hair care will help recipes with salt. In order to give hair a fortress and healthy through the day to spend salt grinding root zones. To do this, grind in a coffee grinder two or three teaspoons of any of salt, and then take her to pinch and RUB …

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How to get rid of pesticides in vegetables and fruits

Today it is difficult to find organic food. Pesticides are toxic substances that are used to protect the crop from harmful insects, weeds, fungi and rodents. They are good at their task, but it is very dangerous to human health. According to Western research, these substances affect the brain, mammary …

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Six reasons to start immediately to drink green tea

Green tea really is a treasure for human health.Green tea is considered the most healthy drink. It is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances. Effects of green tea on the human body is extremely wide. Scientific research shows that green tea strengthens the immune system, is very …

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