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Named the main reason for causing diabetes

Названа главная причина, провоцирующая диабетDoctors told why developing diabetes.

Scientists claim that 87 percent of the men were genetic traits tend to undergo depression and diabetes.

Women are at risk only in 75% of cases. This discovery could help in the creation of innovative tools from both types of disease. At least, I believe doctors. As for diabetes, depression are themselves instigator of its development.

Experts examined 160 thousand pairs of twins. Scientists have long known that people suffering from diabetic disease, were often prone to depression.

They also knew that this relationship was reversed, that is, people in chronic depression, faster was ill with diabetes than those who were not inclined to apathy. Until now it was thought that this relationship was irregular and due solely to the way of life.

However, the results of the study, the violations in genetics lead to the emergence and development of both diseases that manifest themselves almost simultaneously. Based on the above, depression can lead to the emergence and development of diabetes.

These types of diseases manifest themselves in one and the same time. I suffer from depression, the risk of developing diabetes is higher than those who are not prone to neuroses, 60 percent.

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