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Named the healing properties of beer

The drink has a number of positive aspects. About it, say scientists at the University of Illinois. Hops, from which brewed beverage, greatly affects the levels of hormones – it boosts metabolism of estrogen. The specialists were treated with extract of hops two lines of breast cells. It turned out, …

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How to survive the heat in the summer in the car

During long trips in the car must take breaks and drink plenty of water In the heat of the air in the car heats up and the air conditioning only partially alleviates this problem. Besides, the constant use of air conditioning is dangerous, because sudden changes in temperature can cause …

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Three simple ways to become happier

Psychologist Emma Seppala told how to be happier. “We have long lived with the prejudice, if in order to become successful, you need to postpone happiness for later, or even to sacrifice it. Not long ago, a student dropped my course “Psychology of happiness” at Stanford University, stating that the …

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The doctors told me what ginger is good for the body

Experts told about the benefits of ginger. Today it is difficult to find anyone who has not heard about the miraculous properties of ginger and at least once in my life tasted ginger tea. Despite the fact that this kind of plant for centuries widely used by the population of …

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Named products that you can substitute for junk food

Doctors told what products you can replace junk food. To improve your diet, it is not necessary to change something radically, only need to replace a few key ingredients. Instead of a sandwich with a bun, meat, cheese and mayonnaise Try a sandwich with whole grain bread, mustard, lettuce and …

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Called bad habits that cause heartburn

Doctors told, what habits cause heartburn. Heartburn — a burning sensation behind the breastbone, along the esophagus. Mainly heartburn happens when the acidity of gastric juice, appears 30-45 minutes after a meal as a result of reflux of acid stomach contents into the esophagus, sometimes on an empty stomach. Medical …

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Called ways to “trick the brain” while on a diet

Experts told how to “cheat” your brain during the diet. Most of the hormones responsible for the feeling of satiety or appetite, it produced by the brain. Can your brain to sabotage your efforts on weight loss? The experts say Yes. And give recommendations on how to overcome this resistance. …

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Folk remedies to cleanse the kidneys

Juice therapy when the kidney sand.The discharge of sand from the kidneys contribute to a variety of physical activity: running, skipping, jumping rope, playing soccer, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and housework and in the garden, so you should move more. In addition, cleanse the kidneys will help the use of healing …

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Created the world’s first vaccine against dementia

The scientists were able to create a vaccine against dementia. Scientists from the U.S. and Australia, has developed the world’s first vaccine that protects against dementia (senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease). The developers claim that the vaccine will help to prevent the development of disease and even cure patients with early …

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