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The doctors told me what ginger is good for the body

Медики рассказали, чем имбирь полезен для организмаExperts told about the benefits of ginger.

Today it is difficult to find anyone who has not heard about the miraculous properties of ginger and at least once in my life tasted ginger tea. Despite the fact that this kind of plant for centuries widely used by the population of India, today ginger is hugely popular all over the world.

First and foremost among the representatives of the fair half of mankind who by nature are the creative beginning, homemakers and healers of all sorts of illness. And just many useful properties, which has ginger, sooner or later come to the aid of the women, facilitating lives, helping ladies to look more attractive, filling them with strength and health.

And all because ginger has many excellent characteristics, properties, applications. So, ginger can act and seasoning to food – its widespread use in cooking a variety of dishes, and meat, and confectionery, and beverages. And as a drug – with the addition of ginger make lotions, compresses a paste.

The original ginger is a storehouse of useful substances: vitamins C, A and b group, minerals (including iron, zinc, phosphorus, salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium), amino acids and beneficial oils. Thanks to this rich composition, the spectrum of action of ginger is unusually wide: it is used as analgesic, carminative and diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, resolving and healing, tonic and sedative.

Useful properties of ginger for women also have a fairly large range. Ginger, for example, is a natural aphrodisiac, which allows it to be used as a remedy for frigidity and infertility. Ginger is known for its powerful antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects, and therefore can legitimately be used to enhance the body’s resistance and prolong the youth.

Useful properties of ginger for women are also in its ability to provide tangible help in the fight for the perfect figure. So, ginger tea is often used as an additional tool for getting rid of extra pounds; and, added as a seasoning to dishes, ginger stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves digestion and normalizes metabolism. In addition, you can often meet the claim that the use of ginger tea for half an hour before a meal significantly reduces appetite. That, in turn, also contributes to easier weight loss. However, it is hoped that the ginger may become a panacea for excess body fat – still no correct nutrition and physical activity this case not do. But here greatly facilitate the process of losing weight and even speed up its use of ginger can still.

To the beneficial properties of ginger for women can be attributed to its ability to reduce to relieve the symptoms accompanying the beginning of pregnancy it resolves toxicity, invigorates and refreshes, improves memory and concentration, helps to improve vision. Ginger is known also for its property to remove from the body toxins, improving complexion and skin condition. If the pregnancy is accompanied by headache, which often happens in an environment of expectant mothers to relieve you with peace of mind to use ginger.

However, only in the first half of pregnancy: the period from the third trimester refers to the contraindications for the use of ginger (do not use spice and during lactation). Despite all the beneficial properties of ginger for women is also not recommended to use it ladies with skin diseases, problems of the stomach or intestine and at an elevated temperature. Contraindications include bleeding and different nature – ginger is also known for its ability to thin the blood. In all other cases, ginger may be the product that helps to maintain strength, health and youth for many years to come.

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