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Called ways to “trick the brain” while on a diet

Названы способы "обмануть мозг" во время диетыExperts told how to “cheat” your brain during the diet.

Most of the hormones responsible for the feeling of satiety or appetite, it produced by the brain.

Can your brain to sabotage your efforts on weight loss? The experts say Yes. And give recommendations on how to overcome this resistance.

You can count calories and sweat in the gym, but in the end it all comes down to how you eat “in secret from himself”. It is not a stomach is leading you, is the brain.

The fact that most of the hormones responsible for the feeling of satiety or appetite, produced by the brain. And, like muscles, the brain too can be trained to produce the correct amount of these hormones.

These 8 tips will help you keep your desired weight consciously:


Loud music (88 decibels) of the brain gives a signal it is necessary to drink faster.” And you’re drinking faster and faster jammed to loud music. The source is not important – the radio at work, music club, music in the headphones. In any of these cases, you eat and drink more and quickly.

Researchers from Irish University of Ulster recommend eating in silence.

And that’s not all.

The louder the music plays, the invisible flies. And so unobtrusively you sit at the table. This is particularly clearly seen in restaurants and Nightclubs. Did you notice that there are no clocks on the walls?

To loud music it is very easy to sit up and to overeat, which the hand of the owners.

The solution? If you go to a party, from time to time look at the clock or set yourself a few alarms. Surprisingly, the time control allows you to control the amount of food: the brain in good shape, the brain works.


The University of Minnesota found that people who are trying not to think about food, buy in stores 30% more food.

Why is this happening? According to scientists, the attention is focused on this task so much that impulsive purchases catch you off guard.

What to do?

Go shopping in the morning when you awake and not burdened with thoughts about the limitations. If you’re hungry, eat before going to the store fruit or nuts. So your “losing weight critic will be satisfied and will no longer pester you.


Interesting Harvard study: maids in hotels were told that their way of life and physical activity at work contribute to weight loss, according to the latest research. Another group of maids with the same weight such input is not allowed.

After a few months, those of the maids who believed in their activity – to reduce the weight, normalized blood pressure, and even clothing became a couple of sizes more freely (and we know that weight and waist is not always directly connected).

Those who no instructions have been received, during the same time were either in the weight or even fat. Doing the same work in the same conditions!


Convince yourself that you are active. Keep a journal reward yourself for each foot. Leptin levels (satiety hormone) in the body increases if you are happy with yourself and praise yourself.


It turns out that weighting is useful for all. Certainly daily weighing is not helpful for anyone. Your weight fluctuates around 2% just depending on the amount of water in the body. And this is affected in turn by many factors, including even the menstrual cycle.

Women who closely monitor their weight tend to experience emotionally every extra grams and – damn it all, overeating. Or eating disorder.

The solution?

Rely on your sense of self. Don’t weigh yourself more than once a month or two. At some point you will feel that the scales do not important for a healthy lifestyle. And I haven’t had enough or you ate too much – a well-assessed health.


More tempting than the smell of food, the stronger your appetite. Even quite well-fed man fried potatoes, cutlets, or baking causes the desire to eat.

The solution?

Every time you get hungry, hearing the delicious smell, ask yourself “am I really hungry, or cheating on me my brain?”. Surprisingly simple and effective way.

Another trick: keep a bottle of essential oil of grapefruit. The inhalation of the scent of grapefruit causes the release of leptin, the satiety hormone. So you will be able to make it to a scheduled meal and not be tempted out of the blue.


Interestingly, one of the switches of hunger for the brain is the amount of free radicals. The fewer the safer food head. And this applies even for short periods of time, in minutes.

Start your dinner with salad from fresh vegetables and leafy greens, and you will feel satiety before you overeat the main course.

Caution: do not eat one meal only greens, or only fruit, you on the contrary stimulate digestion and very quickly you get hungry.


The harder you try to get into the right size at the right weight, the further you are from goal. Stress makes you have an extra. Let go of your perfectionism, and reward yourself for every intermediate step, for every workout.


…the floor of the aviary is concrete. Or in other words, don’t make your brain think that you are on the verge of starvation. Eat 2-3 times a day, and more often, but small portions (the same amount of food as before). The scared brain – grief in the family, so take care of it.

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