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How to survive the heat in the summer in the car

Как пережить жару летом в машинеDuring long trips in the car must take breaks and drink plenty of water

In the heat of the air in the car heats up and the air conditioning only partially alleviates this problem. Besides, the constant use of air conditioning is dangerous, because sudden changes in temperature can cause colds, which in the heat treated and transferred much more difficult, and it may cause far more dangerous consequences.

In the heat of the body rapidly loses fluid, and in closed stuffy room loss of moisture can be up to half a liter of sweat per hour. This affects brain activity and the functioning of internal organs. Besides, with the shortage of water in humans, decreased concentration, and drowsiness occurs because motorists are especially important to always carry a large bottle of water. Drinking water need to constantly for a few SIPS, not waiting until thirsty. It is better to buy mineral water because it contains minerals that will support the work of the body. Dehydration is dangerous to microsistemi limbs that driving can be a cause of the tragedy.

Before the long ride in the heat, it is important not to eat sweets and too fatty foods – they increase perspiration. But a glass of tomato juice (natural) is very useful as it will support the work of the heart and give strength due to the content of potassium and minerals.

There is a little secret for the treatment of air conditioning in the car. Drivers typically direct a jet of air in his face or on the shoulders, wanting to cool faster. But it is quite dangerous and may lead not only to respiratory ailments, the pharyngitis, inflammation of muscles, etc. more effective and safer to direct the cold air themselves in the foot. The fact that the feet have a lot of active points, through the stimulation of the whole body will be cooled much faster. Besides, the skin on the feet is very sensitive to temperature changes – small capillarity and the nerves are actively involved in thermoregulation of the body.

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