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Tips that will help to cope with the extreme heat

Best advice from a famous physician of Ukraine. Hot days — test for the organism. Even in a healthy person and poor health, and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the lungs, vessels, heart, certainly don’t feel well. Besides, sometimes it shows the heat of the disease, about which …

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Cycling – a good prevention of diabetes

Cycling reduces the risk of diabetes. A new study conducted at the University of southern Denmark, showed that of the participants, often riding a Bicycle, the risk of diabetes of the 2nd type were 20% lower than those who did not skate. Scientists suggest to ride the bike to people …

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Why you should not give up your favorite foods during the diet

Scientists have dispelled another stereotype. Many people trying to lose weight, clean from the diet of favorite foods and replace them with things they don’t like. Don’t do that, the researchers from Baylor University. Instead, experts suggest simply eating more healthy food. The study involved 542 volunteer. Scientists have focused …

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With depression to help cope pokémon

Pokemon, seem to have reached everyone. World covers game fever – new app Pokémon Go. It collects data from your phone based on location. The program determines the place and time of stay of the person. Based on this, the application projects based on real data of the character – …

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These combination products can harm your body

Be careful when eating one of these ligaments. Eat tasty and healthy food — not just an important necessity, but an art. To comprehend it is not given to everyone, but it can survive. Especially it is important to remember that harmful combination of foods that you should avoid. Fruit …

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Folk remedy for mosquito bites

If of the medications at hand nothing will help folk ways. Summer as never useful to have in a home first aid kit soothing skin remedies that will help cope with the bites of the pesky insects. But what to do if you medicines on hand nothing? Help simple means. …

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How to understand what your child is using drugs

Drugs is the verdict? How to save your child’s life As a rule, parents know that their children use drugs, the latest. The child who use drugs in the first place trying to hide it from the people close to him – from his parents. And often, when no longer …

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