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These combination products can harm your body

Эти комбинации продуктов могут навредить вашему организмуBe careful when eating one of these ligaments.

Eat tasty and healthy food — not just an important necessity, but an art.

To comprehend it is not given to everyone, but it can survive. Especially it is important to remember that harmful combination of foods that you should avoid.

Fruit with a meal and after it
Fruits are digested very quickly, passing through the stomach and absorbiruyaci in the gut. But when fruits are combined with grains, meat or dried products — they stagnate in the digestive tract for too long and begin to ferment in mounds. This can cause damage to the walls of the intestine, bloating and other troubles. So it is better not to mix business with pleasure.

Animal protein and starch
Consumption of animal protein and starchy foods at the same time can negate the beneficial properties of each element separately. Various digestive enzymes collide together and can cause problems with digestion, discomfort, flatulence. The next time you eat a stew, be sure to keep this in mind!

Starch carbohydrates and tomatoes
Tomatoes combined with starch carbohydrates such as rice or potato, can you do a bad name, causing indigestion and other digestive problems. Try the next time you order a pizza, limit yourself to tomatoes.

Fruit and yogurt
The combination of fruit and dairy products, particularly yogurt, may lead to very unpleasant consequences. In this combination they can even cause allergies, cause colds, but also to provoke congestion in the gastrointestinal tract. The best option is natural Greek yogurt with no additional fruit.

Cereal and milk
For many, this may seem rather shocking that familiar to us from childhood porridge is not so useful in reality, as is commonly believed. In a normal for many people dairy Breakfast actually contains hard to tune the carbs in both of its components, causing an increase blood pressure and fatigue. So in the morning it would be better to simply have cereal without milk.

Wine and sweet pudding
Unfortunately, the sweet tooth, try this delicious combination, can develop internal intestinal chaos. The fact that alcohol can unbalance the sugar level contained in your blood and thereby cause the body’s production of insulin and excess sugar is subsequently deposited as fat on your sides. The best alternative is the consumption of wine in conjunction with fibrous vegetables. So learn culture not only drinking wine, but eating products.

Burger and fries
Convenient food, usually unhealthy food. Even more unhealthy is overcooked or perepechina foods high in fat, preservatives and other chemicals that form similar to the coal substance in the heat treatment process. When this food is combined with French fries, sugar-formed cytokines, is able to trigger various kinds of inflammation and accelerate the aging process. In truth, beware of big and beautiful burgers, especially the flavored even more tempting potatoes fries.

Muffins and fruit juice
The combination represents in fact an abundance of calories and low use. If you start your day with a meal, you risk to internal power failure at exactly the middle that will make you irritable and very tired. In such cases, the absence of protein and fibre “are in dispute” with a high content of sugar in the blood. So if you became unbearable from the beautiful lush buns, give it the same preference to products made from whole grains of different varieties.

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