Home / Medicine / Scientists have found that music affects people’s tastes

Scientists have found that music affects people’s tastes

Ученые выяснили, что влияет на музыкальные вкусы людейMusic is a subject of companies.

It turns out that our musical tastes are not in the genes but depend on the society in which we live.

Experts from the Massachusetts Institute of technology found that people who do not listen to Western music, have a good attitude about music, which many of us consider “false”. To distinguish these notes from the played purely they can.

According to the researchers, in Western music is dominated by major, natural minor and harmonic minor, says The Daily Mail. So, with the combination of notes C and G on the piano it turns out a nice sound. And, for example, if the finger jumps from G to F#, the sound seems disgusting.

Composers often use such combinations to make the listener feel negative emotions. In the new study involved 100 Indians Tsimane. They listened and evaluated the pleasant and unpleasant by Western standards and musical sounds.

Scientists have not identified the Indians preferences harmonious sounds. The participants of the other groups (Bolivians living near Indians Tsimane, residents of the city of La Paz, as well as musicians and a control group from the USA), this preference was. Other sounds, such as laughter or sighs, the Indians were assessed in the same way as other volunteers.

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