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How to understand what your child is using drugs

Как понять, что ваш ребёнок употребляет наркотикиDrugs is the verdict? How to save your child’s life

As a rule, parents know that their children use drugs, the latest. The child who use drugs in the first place trying to hide it from the people close to him – from his parents. And often, when no longer able to hide it, his life resembles hell!

To admit to yourself that Your child is using drugs is very difficult and scary, Your honesty to yourself, can save Your child. Only in Your hands his future and that of Your family. Maybe You have already asked for help and did not get the expected result. Do not despair and do not give up.

Как понять, что ваш ребёнок употребляет наркотики

Here are the first signs that your child is in drug dependence:

 Loss of interest in usual activities.
 Bouts of drowsiness or sleeplessness.
 Deceit, stealth.
 Unexplained disappearance of money or items from home.
 Needle marks, bruises.
 Unexpected irritability or aggression.
 Loss of appetite.
 Overly dilated or constricted pupils.
 Night absence.
 Unusual powders, tablets, herbs, syringes.
 Self-isolation in the family.
 Appearance unhealthy person, pallor, swelling.


Re-socialization center for Young drug Addicts “EVEREST”

Our contacts:
Address: Vishnevaya str. 12, s. Velikaya Balka, Odessa oblast, Ukraine
Program Director: the butterfish Boris +3 8 097 464 97 22


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