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Tips that will help to cope with the extreme heat

Советы, которые помогут справиться с сильной жаройBest advice from a famous physician of Ukraine.

Hot days — test for the organism. Even in a healthy person and poor health, and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the lungs, vessels, heart, certainly don’t feel well.

Besides, sometimes it shows the heat of the disease, about which people are unaware. High temperature, change in atmospheric pressure lubricated highlighted earlier, the symptoms.

— On hot days we are often approached by patients who complain of weakness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, — says the therapist-the cardiologist of the medical clinic “Boris” Victoria Poroshenko. Recently at the reception was a 57-year-old woman who said that in the heat it often is not enough air to breathe for a couple seconds dizziness occurs. Pressure is generally low: 65 to 100 millimeters of mercury, although it rarely measures.

In addition to the other surveys, we assigned the patient an ultrasound with Doppler to check the blood vessels of the head and neck. It is important to note that in women older than 50 years there is hormonal changes the body, affecting the condition of the vessels. Previously, the ovaries produce hormones that protect the cardiovascular system from the adverse changes, but now there is no defense, therefore, disease of the heart and blood vessels occur. If the study shows that due to atherosclerosis of the affected inner layer of the vascular wall, will reveal the cholesterol plaques need treatment. Also, the patient is recommended to carefully monitor the pressure. In people who from an early age suffered from a low level, with age usually tend to its increase. Therefore, all hypotensive patients it is desirable to measure the pressure regularly and any health.

— What to do if the survey does not reveal problems, and heat.
— I advise you not to plan for the hottest time of the day the important things, responsible meetings, when it is necessary to intensively to think, make decisions quickly, to move a lot. If possible, try to be in an air conditioned room with optimal temperature. You can take a mild sedative, such as Valerian, if it is not contraindicated. Useful water treatment — foot bath or hand, shower, with cold water, but not ice water, and cool, pleasant to the body. In extreme heat can be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in cool water, forehead, temples, neck, possibly the area under the arms (there are major blood vessels) — this will help to cool a little. On days where weather changes drastically — there is a drop in temperature, atmospheric pressure, more useful to relax, go to bed early.

— How to eat in the heat?
— Main meal it is desirable to plan for the evening, when the heat subsides. Of course, it is better to eat before going to bed and four hours before going to sleep: if you go to bed at 22 hours, you need to eat at least around 18. In the summer we spend less energy, so the need for high-calorie food decreases. Day prefer a light lacto-vegetarian food that is well digested, such as vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products. If you want to, for example, fried pork chop, eat it in the evening. For optimal digestion frequent smaller meals — at least three, and preferably four times a day in small portions.

— What do you think of fasting days is fruit or vegetable, kefir?
— It depends on the state of health. I do not advocate mono-component diets, especially long-term, but I think that one fasting day a week for example. And eat a product within a few days — the body needs variety. If you want a little “unload”, it is better to reduce the portions, choose healthier foods, but not to sit down for a week on the oatmeal or cabbage. Don’t forget that the hotter the more you drink.

But if drink more, releasing more sweat.
— The sweat — protective reaction of the body to maintain proper internal temperature. A healthy person always sweats when it’s hot: the sweat evaporates from skin, cooling it. All people have different number of sweat glands, and genetically inherent that someone sweats more, someone- less. Usually the one who is sweating profusely, and drinking more fluids. But you need to know that sometimes excessive sweating can be a symptom of other dangerous diseases (diabetes, tuberculosis, thyroid lesions).

— What kind of water and how best to drink?
In the heat — mineral, salts together with then loses not only fluid, but also take useful minerals (electrolytes). Man working in office with a comfortable temperature, to drink is not always desirable, and sweating in the garden needs to quench a strong thirst. If the doctors advise to limit drinking, a grown man, even in the cooler months, can drink a day not less than one-half liters of fluid (depending on body weight), and in the summer — two to three liters. It is believed that our bodies are mostly water. It depends on the condition of the skin, the viscosity of the blood, motor activity, and even thinking ability.

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