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How to learn to get up early

There are some effective secrets that will help you to accustom yourself to rise early. 1. Did not eat dinner late, especially with grains and sweets, which causes improper digestion leads to an increase of toxins in the body, and as a result there is a feeling of lack of …

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Food type gives your figure a slimming effect

You can forget about diets to maintain harmony, if you eat according to the type of the figure: this too will save extra kilos. With such a concept were represented by respected Australian nutritionist Gabrielle Maston. “Choosing what to eat between Breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner, it …

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How to make coffee healthier

Really love coffee and cannot imagine a life without her? Three cups a day for you? Then you should know that caffeine in large quantities has a negative impact on the body.How to reduce the harm without giving up coffee? Cardamom Cardamom will not only give the coffee a spicy …

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Open new useful properties of cranberry juice

Substances included in the composition of cranberry juice can fight bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotics. Experts from Dartmouth University (USA) intend to develop an antibacterial drug on the basis of the cranberries. The attention of scientists from the group of Professor Terry Camesano was attracted by the unusual …

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Doctors called the top 5 main enemies of men’s health

They are the worst enemies of men’s sexual health. Scientists claim that over the last 80 years the concentration of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid (this is a key indicator of reproductive health of men has decreased in 2-3 times. The reason is environmental pollution. Oddly enough, the woman is …

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Folk remedies to strengthen and purify the heart muscle

One or two times a year to release our heart from all the toxins that have accumulated in it.Cardiac muscle, or myocardium, their purpose is significantly different from other muscles. Unlike muscles, which are responsible for movement of the arms and legs, it works as a pump for pumping blood. …

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Named the best methods intestinal cleansing at home

Browse the most popular methods of bowel cleansing, is available at home. The first methods intestinal cleansing nutrition enriched a distinguished scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. In his opinion, to numerous diseases and premature death of a person results in “self-poisoning putrid substances of their own large intestine”. The studies Mechnikov …

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