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Named the best methods intestinal cleansing at home

Названы лучшие методы очистки кишечника в домашних условияхBrowse the most popular methods of bowel cleansing, is available at home.

The first methods intestinal cleansing nutrition enriched a distinguished scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. In his opinion, to numerous diseases and premature death of a person results in “self-poisoning putrid substances of their own large intestine”.

The studies Mechnikov became convinced that the undigested remains of food put undue stress on the liver, clog the blood and become a rich breeding ground for bacteria.

Simultaneously with the Mechnikov about the benefits of colon cleanse are talking naturopaths, claiming that without periodic cleaning, the body accumulates toxins, which ultimately can even lead to cancer.

Currently, experts do not have common opinion on this issue. Although some argue that a detox is necessary, while others believe that natural immunity is not necessary to break and it will clear itself – you just eat right and “not to pollute themselves.”

The idea of soft intestinal cleansing used in many author’s dietary system. So, Kovalkov Alex, the Creator of the diet Dr. kovalkova, advises completely abandon animal protein, and to focus on foods that are high in fiber, vegetables with low and medium glycemic index, and legumes. This allows the intestines to work better and be cleansed in a natural way. In the second phase of the diet you can add foods that are high in protein – the intestines will be ready for them.

Another method of bowel cleansing salad “Brush”. It is argued that with a ten-day Express diet, which prescribes alternating days where you eat only boiled chicken, with days that are allowed to eat only “Brush”, you can not only cleanse the body but also lose weight by 5 kg.

Salad recipe is very simple – shredded cabbage and shredded carrots and beets (all products should be raw), seasoned with lemon juice. But it is important to remember that before you use the “Brush”, you should consult with your doctor about raw beets in abundance contain bioactive substances, there are contraindications.

Colon cleanse at home: chart and volume

Enema is among the most proven, available, and common methods of cleaning the bowel. If you clear your bowels for the first time, will fit the following scheme:

Day 1 — 0.5 liters of water
2 day — 1 liter of water
Day 4 — 1.5 liters of water
7 day — 2 liters of water

respectively, 3, 5, 6 days — holidays and recovery.

Alternative scheme: for seven days through the day to put a-liter enema”.

Any course bowel cleansing with an enema is recommended to complete a course of the drug, normalizing the intestinal microflora.

Do not clean the bowel with an enema, if you have inflammatory and ulcerative bowel disease, or diseases that cause bleeding in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the enema is contraindicated in tumors, hemorrhoids and heart failure. Pregnant women also should refrain from such method of cleaning the body, as, indeed, from any other.

How to use a mug Esmarch?

It is the most convenient and easy way to cleanse at home. Mug Asmaha – a device resembling a rubber hot water bottle with flexible tube, tap and solid tip. Mug Esmarch fill the necessary amount of clean warm water and hung over the couch, which is planned to carry out the procedure, not higher than 1.5 meters. By opening the valve on the tube, it is necessary to release the air from a Cup to check the flow of fluid.

In that case, if you are doing an enema yourself, you should take the knee-elbow position and lift your hips above the shoulders. If you are assisted by the assistant, you should lie on your left side, bend your knees and tighten the abdomen. Until the water flows smoothly and breathe deeply through your mouth, inflating the belly on the inhale.

When you decrease the water pressure: if you feel pain or discomfort

When to increase the water pressure: if water flow has stopped, raise the mug above and pull out the tip.

As soon as the mug was empty (you will feel that the water has ceased to flow), lie on your back, lift the pelvis and draw the belly, then lie alternately on the right and left side.

Cleansing detox diet

Such a diet would be a good means of purgation for those who enema is contraindicated. It can be done annually (but not more!) – it cleans not only the intestines but the entire body.

1 day. Drinking detox. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a decoction of buckthorn, or Senna. During the day 6-7 glasses of fresh vegetable juice (on how to drink juice and to combine vegetables and fruits to make them here).

2 and 3 days. Detox-raw food diet. Without limitation used any raw vegetables without salt and oil, be sure to have carrots and cabbage. You can Supplement the diet with greens, a small amount of nuts and seeds.

Day 4. Vegetable detox. Any boiled and steamed vegetables without salt or butter.

5 and 6 days. Fruit and cereal detox. Permitted foods — fresh fruit juices and mixtures of them, oatmeal and buckwheat cereal with water, vegetable soup. Moderately — dried fruits and honey.

Day 7. Light diet: low-fat dairy products, unleavened bread, omelette, steamed or boiled eggs.

A week after the diet you should eat moderately, maintaining a light diet. It is important to refrain from fatty, fried, smoked and canned foods, confectionery.

5 methods General gentle cleansing of the intestine and the whole organism

Colon hydrotherapy

Flushing the colon with a special camera. For 45 minutes the patient is injected 10-30 liters of water. The procedure can be performed only by trained medical staff, usually a course of 3-6 treatments. Contraindications for colon hydrotherapy — diverticulosis (bulging of the intestinal wall), intestinal polyps, colitis and hernias of different nature, uterine fibroids, diagnosed intestinal obstruction, haemorrhoids and rectal prolapse.

Reception of pharmaceutical drugs-sorbents

Popular cleansing of OTC drugs on the basis of organic compounds — activated carbon, polymethylsiloxane of poligidrat. Strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the dose and do not forget to assure his plan of cleansing the permission of the attending physician.

Purification of sprouted grains

Wheat, soy, Masha, green buckwheat can grow yourself or buy in the departments and health food stores. Consume to 50-80 grams a day, a course — 1 month.

Cleansing oatmeal

To prepare the jelly, pour 1 Cup of water 1 tablespoon of cereal “Hercules” (traditional, not quick cooking) cook over minimum heat for 15 minutes. Take 2 times a day half an hour before meals. Oatmeal is a good way to clean the intestines diseases of the digestive tract, as well as during the recovery period after fasting.

Purification of wheat bran

Gentle and easy way of improving intestinal activity without requiring changes in lifestyle. 2 tablespoons bran, pour 150 ml of kefir, stir, take on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening before bed. This way of purgation, if you view it favorably, it is possible to use constantly.

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