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How to learn to get up early

Как научиться вставать раноThere are some effective secrets that will help you to accustom yourself to rise early.

1. Did not eat dinner late, especially with grains and sweets, which causes improper digestion leads to an increase of toxins in the body, and as a result there is a feeling of lack of rest.

2. Before bedtime is all you need to forgive or ask forgiveness, otherwise bad contacts with people will break the productivity of sleep. If you are troubled by some thoughts, I always wish everyone happiness until, until you fall asleep.

3. Plan tight the morning. If this is not done, then in the morning it will seem that you lie down a while. But it should be noted that if after waking up you are lying in bed for more than 5-7 minutes, vitality is thus greatly reduced and good effects of early rising is also reduced.

4. Avoid very warm duvets and too soft bed, and a stuffy and warm room – all this causes a decrease in volitional function and highly contributes to laziness.

5. Define a favorable area for the location of the bed. Need to sleep so that the head was directed to the East or, at least, to the North.

6. In the room where you sleep, should not be cooked food in an open pan or uncleaned food residue. It pollutes the mind and disturbs sleep.

7. After lifting you need to stand under the shower or pour out the water, otherwise sleepy atmosphere wins the consciousness, and this will strongly hinder the good effect of early rising.

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