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Food type gives your figure a slimming effect

Питание по типу вашей фигуры дает эффект похуденияYou can forget about diets to maintain harmony, if you eat according to the type of the figure: this too will save extra kilos.

With such a concept were represented by respected Australian nutritionist Gabrielle Maston.

“Choosing what to eat between Breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner, it is worth remembering the type of your figure,” – said the doctor.

According to Meston, endomorphs if he has developed a substantial cushion of body fat, large bones and can easily get overweight. Studies have shown that people with a similar body type fit diet high in fats and proteins and low in carbohydrates, reported nutritionist.

She noted that the body of endomorphs bad burns calories derived from carbohydrate foods – it is advisable to eat nuts and vegetables.

In another group, according to Australian experts, included ectomorph – thin and tall people with thin bones and a fast metabolism, allowing eat almost anything without harm to the waist.

Maston argues that although ectomorphs all you can eat, it is better to choose products specially rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will help to maintain muscle mass and energy tone.

Also, the dietitian provided mesomorphs who are rather athletic, muscular and dense. According to Gabriel Maston, mesomorphy more likely prone to weight gain.

The doctor recommended for this type of figures to stick to the diet on the principle of 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats. When choosing a snack, people with such physique is better to choose dishes with high protein content – for example, tuna, hard-boiled eggs.

Muesli or energy bars are not suitable for a snack any of the types,” the expert added.

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