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Folk remedies for sunburn

Many of us love in the summer sun. Ultraviolet light is not very useful for our skin. It is best to use sunscreen creams and lotions with a high degree of protection. If you are long in the sun, the skin is slightly red, more time – there are inflammation …

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These products are the best sources of protein

It is important to consume enough protein, as it prevents the loss of muscle mass. Protein is a vital and necessary element of nutrition for any living organism. Moreover, according to most nutritionists, the protein stands out fats and carbohydrates as most useful substance. And while our body needs the …

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Recovery after a stroke helps brain stimulation

Experts believe that brain stimulation affects changes in the brain that occur after stroke. Stimulating areas of the brain responsible for controlling movements, can improve the recovery process after a stroke, say researchers from Stanford University, USA. The researchers conducted animal experiments, in which after the stroke was carried out …

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Doctors told what kind of food weakens the immune system

Doctors believe that some foods depresses the immune system. Experts argue again the hypothesis that the foods that contain a lot of calories and fats, not only contribute to overweight, as reported by ScienceDaily. According to researchers, the growth of body weight with this diet – it’s just not home, …

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Doctors told as water helps to fight obesity

Nutritionists for many years have said that drinking 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water, you can lose 2 pounds a week. Scientists from the University of Michigan scientifically proven to cause weight loss due to the water, conducting clinical trials, groups of volunteers from 18 to 64 years old with …

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Breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum depression

Welfare mental health for women after childbirth is a serious problem. Breastfeeding can significantly reduce the risk of postpartum depression, showed a large-scale study with the participation of 14 thousand young mothers, as reported online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years. The researchers studied the cases …

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Protein prevents heart attack

American scientists have identified a protein, which will find its application in heart surgery. Scientists conducted an experiment on rats, which found that those animals in which the level of the enzyme ALDH2 was high, more resistant to damage of the heart muscle due to lack of oxygen. The increase …

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The main causes of graying hair

What causes change color of hair and why do some people turn gray earlier than others. The colour tone determines the melanin is a pigment that is also responsible for the color of the skin and eyes. With age, the melanin disappears, and therefore the color of the hair is …

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This habit will prevent pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is associated with two types of bacteria that can cause gum disease. Since childhood, dentists advise us to brush teeth twice a day to avoid tooth decay and gum problems. But new studies show that regular brushing can also help prevent the development of one of the most …

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