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Useful holiday on the beach: myths and reality

Полезный отдых на пляже: мифы и реальностьDo not rinse the nose with saltwater and not get rid of the peel with sand

In the summer we try to find at least a few days to go to sea. We all understand that staying on the beach will improve our health, but the sun, air and water are friends we are not always.

To exaggerate the therapeutic effect of plauderei not worth it, and not all of the recipes associated with it, can be taken as a guide to action, some of them not only do not help but can hurt. Myths related to treatment on the beach, and its real benefits we spoke to the therapist Tatiana Violet, a massage therapist Tatiana Martysheva and a neurologist Egor Prokopovich.

MYTH # 1: the sand and gravel is very useful to walk barefoot. Even so, you can cure flat feet.
WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. Some use, of course, this is because walking barefoot gives a massage effect. But to get rid of flat feet is unlikely to succeed — treated it for a long time. First you need to consult a podiatrist and buy special shoes or inserts.

MYTH # 2: Sand get rid of cellulite.
WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. Unfortunately, burying in the sand will not solve the problem, maybe they will give a light peeling effect. Cellulite is impaired microcirculation in the adipose tissue when our cells stop to highlight products in your life, but with dual power accumulate fat, suck the liquid and toxins. Have cellulite there are different stages and different causes: hormonal imbalance, overweight, stress. So first you need to find and eliminate the cause, then take a course of lymphatic drainage massage to normalize the flow of lymph in the body. But as relaxing to lie on the warm sand and meditate to the sound of the surf, why not. Besides, if the rest of the family, burying in the sand is fun. And positive emotions we need always!

MYTH # 3: Attachment of algae to the joints in treating gout.
WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. Gout help no algae, and a special diet, based on the absence of animal fats in the diet. Meat, offal, smoked meats-salinity, alcohol contribute to the production of uric acid, which, putting off the joints and is a cause of disease. But in General, this myth is dangerous in itself. Indeed, the absence of timely treatment of the gout can become chronic, with deformity of the joints.
MYTH # 4: Washing the nose with salt water is good for health.
WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS. Nasal lavage with sodium chloride is a good procedure in rhinitis and symptoms of SARS. But this solution must be purchased at a pharmacy. Because the water in the sea, to put it mildly, non-sterile. There is no guarantee that a second before washing it nose no one celebrated with you small need. So you better still at home, before the trip, buy the saline solution at the pharmacy and put it in a suitcase with other medications.

Certainly, for spine swimming is very useful. In the water he is relaxed, there is no usual vertical load. While I train those muscle groups that are involved in the movement. But consider swimming as a panacea for problems with the spine or posture is not worth it. Small muscle located near the spine, in the process of swimming, unfortunately, does not work. And on the contrary, hold him in an upright position. So the best option is a combination of swimming with a workout in the gym, where these small muscles can relax. If a child has problems with posture (e.g. scoliosis — when he is growing rapidly, muscles are not keeping pace with growth, and the spine bent under the weight of the body and of school backpacks) or have the scoliotic disease, formed as a result of a congenital or hereditary defect in the bones of the spine (when broken it structure, and structure), swimming this will not solve the problem. Although to slow down the further development of the strain it can, as well as physical education.

CHARGING ON THE BEACH. To enhance the effect of swimming and to work with other muscle groups is right on the beach, do exercises, not necessarily lying on your back or stomach. Can and sitting, but in any case, not standing. In this position the load on the spine increases and the deformation becomes larger. Also better to stop jumping. Outdoor ball games — volleyball, basketball, football — for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine are not suitable. Nature good job on the structure of the spine. A specific vertebra assumes a certain load. And if there is some sort of deformity or incorrect bending of the spine are not working properly and are overloaded. If the top to give vertical load, these problems aktiviziruyutsya. Low back pain fact developed in 50 years, and 30. It is a medical fact, and should not be neglected.

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