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The main causes of graying hair

Основные причины появления седых волосWhat causes change color of hair and why do some people turn gray earlier than others.

The colour tone determines the melanin is a pigment that is also responsible for the color of the skin and eyes. With age, the melanin disappears, and therefore the color of the hair is inevitably gray, silver or white.

The pigment melanin is dependent on the primary germ cells, which begin to produce the missing volumes of “dye” whenever the hue of the hair begins to change. With age, the cells lose this ability.

Also with age, the hair follicles accumulate natural hydrogen peroxide and this also affects the melanin. Enough to decrease its quantity, and the hydrogen peroxide to reach critical mass, as the hair will start to discolour.

It is proven that stress leads to hair loss, but that psychological difficulties affect the graying, scientists can’t say for certain. Nevertheless, some effect of stress in the graying process is not excluded.

But the main cause of graying hair is certainly considered to be genetics. There is a gene that is responsible for gray hair – IRF4. Although he does graying is inevitable, scientists do not exclude that with its help it is possible to find a way to keep “young” hair color.

An important reason for graying is called tobacco addiction. Conducted relevant research, which found that smokers gray hair begin to appear up to 30 years.

Thus, the main cause of premature graying is now considered genetics, and Smoking can accelerate the inevitable. Although in the future it is possible appearance of drugs, which allow to eliminate this annoying feature of aging, now doctors advise anyone who is afraid of gray hair, avoid Smoking.

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