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Folk remedies for sunburn

Народные средства при солнечных ожогахMany of us love in the summer sun.

Ultraviolet light is not very useful for our skin. It is best to use sunscreen creams and lotions with a high degree of protection.

If you are long in the sun, the skin is slightly red, more time – there are inflammation and swelling. In severe cases, the skin blisters and peels.

Most of us don’t think about the consequences, and yet under the influence of sunlight the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness and wrinkles right there. That the consequence of excessive tanning can cause skin cancer, it is known to all.

It is best to begin tanning under the scheme. First day – no more than 15-10 minutes, the gap to 11-12 hours of the day. Every day you stay in the sun can be increased by 5-10 minutes, up to 1.5-2 hours. Be sure to cover your head from the sun hat, Panama hat, bandana, at worst, a skullcap from the newspaper. You need to drink during sunbathing. Malaise, headache, chills, fever suggests that you’ve got to run to the beach.

If you are burned

Get out of the shadow. Your skin is already enough that she got. It is best as soon as possible to get home.

Take a cool shower. Not cold – extreme temperature difference to anything good will not! Do not use shower gels and scrubs – it is only damage the top layer of skin and open the way for infection.

The most common way to treat a sunburn – kefir and yogurt. But doctors remind you that the germs in awe of the dairy products, thus you can only aggravate the situation.

But the cucumbers or potatoes will help to relieve irritation and moisturize the affected area. They need to pound in kashitsu and to make compresses. But do not let them dry on the skin, change often.

If potatoes are not at hand, then surely there is tea bags. 3-4 packet per Cup of boiling water, a clean cloth and apply to burns several times a day for 20-25 minutes.

Another effective way mask of the usual oatmeal. A handful of flakes pour boiling water and apply the cooled paste on the burns. After 15 minutes, rinse.

Aloe also will come to the rescue. Dilute aloe juice with boiled water in proportion 1:1, impregnated with a solution of a napkin. Apply them to the burned areas a few times a day, every 5-10 minutes, for one hour. You can freeze the solution and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

You can take a bath with a decoction of chamomile, with a weak solution of white wine vinegar or baking soda. In the latter case – wipe is not necessary, but better to give the soda solution to dry on the skin.

Also don’t forget the sunscreen so you don’t have to suffer and cry.

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