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Scientists do not recommend to go to bed on an empty stomach

It turns out that the duration of night abstinence from food significantly affects the risk of breast cancer recurrence. According to French researchers, increased duration of sleep and abstinence from food at night – the two methods that can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Recent scientific work in …

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This “harmless” herbs can harm the health

This need to know. Many tend to think that all of the gifts that nature is giving to us, good for health. But unfortunately, even the most common and, seemingly, herbs can affect the human body. We present to your attention the list of summer herbs which can damage your …

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The main reasons causing hypertension

7 main causes of hypertension.Why in fact, every second of us getting high blood pressure, say the experts. High is the pressure more than 130/90 units. It is called as arterial hypertension (AH). And in each tenth case of high blood pressure is a symptom of some other disease conditions …

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These foods cause serious dependence

Products that are hazardous to health.In modern society, many people dream about independence in relationships, at work, in the social sphere, but to achieve this it turns out not at all. But with food it should be much easier. Someone can’t imagine life without chocolate, some coffee. Equally these products …

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The most common myths about water

TOP 5 myths about the benefits of water.Nutritionists in one voice say: to lose weight or just to look good, you need to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. And playing sports without her and is threatened by dehydration. Is it really so? Answer doctors.healthinfo. Summer is …

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The best products for cancer prevention

Eight foods that prevent cancer.At the present time from such a terrible diagnosis like cancer, no one is immune. That’s why researchers continue not only to develop effective drugs against this disease, but also to find ways of prevention. According to research, the number of products has natural components that …

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Egg protein will help to fight high blood pressure

Substance contained in egg whites help to reduce pressure. Chinese doctors claim that high blood pressure can be treated with the eggs, namely, egg protein. So far scientists have come as a result of the experiments conducted by Jilin University. The results also showed that the peptide, called RVPSL, thanks …

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This berry is particularly useful for men’s health

The doctors told me what watermelons are especially beneficial to men. Watermelons can successfully be a natural means of treatment of erectile dysfunction, men returning the joy of sex, as scientists have found. Thus, these fruits loved by millions, no side effects like viagra. Watermelons have a huge variety of …

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Named unexpected cause of obesity

Poor sleep significantly increases the risk of Contracting diabetes and obesity.All of us from childhood are aware of the fact that nedosypayuschie people often suffer from various pathologies. Another confirmation of this truth was recently published in the American medical journal The Lancet Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. According to …

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Psychologists told what music cures depression

Hard rock can improve health. The researchers implemented a few experiments, after which the doctors were able to determine what genre of music helps people to fight depression. Scientists said that in most cases, sound composition, performed in the style of rock, prevents the development of depression. Experts believe that …

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