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Named unexpected cause of obesity

Названа неожиданная причина ожиренияPoor sleep significantly increases the risk of Contracting diabetes and obesity.

All of us from childhood are aware of the fact that nedosypayuschie people often suffer from various pathologies.

Another confirmation of this truth was recently published in the American medical journal The Lancet Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. According to the results of research scientists, people who work in the day sleep less than six or seven hours are prone to increased appetite.

Insufficient duration and depth of sleep lead to the disorder of daily cyclical rhythms and the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. She, in turn, is a Central regulator of all metabolic processes, including through the mediation of the endocrine system. Thus, due to chronic lack of sleep impairs processes of regulating the level of glucose in the blood, deteriorating human control over the number of meals and the amount eaten.

Regular overeating and chronic fatigue are a breeding ground for the recruitment of extra pounds. And excess fatty tissue is one of the factors that weaken the effect of insulin – the main hormone which regulates glucose in the blood. Thus, significantly increases the possibility to fall ill with diabetes II, for which obesity is one of the major risk factors.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of obesity and diabetes regular sleep deficit often lead to hypertension and disorders of metabolism. By the way, according to this study one of the main causes of lack of sleep is the use of handheld gaming devices and tablets. Also significantly reduces the quality of sleep shift work and the lack of a balanced routine.

Thus, this study again confirmed the correctness of allegations that a normal sleep – the guarantee of health.

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