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The best products for cancer prevention

Самые лучшие продукты для профилактики ракаEight foods that prevent cancer.

At the present time from such a terrible diagnosis like cancer, no one is immune.

That’s why researchers continue not only to develop effective drugs against this disease, but also to find ways of prevention.

According to research, the number of products has natural components that prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

We have prepared for you a list of eight simple and affordable products, the use of which reduces the risk of cancer by helping you maintain health. Indeed, in this case the problem is easier to prevent than to treat. Be sure to focus on this list of foods, going to the store and thinking up a weekly menu.

Eight foods that prevent cancer

1. Carrots

Carrots owe their rich orange colour to carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, which are responsible not only for the brightness of the roots, but also for its anti-cancer properties. It is proved that regular consumption of carrots can protect you from a wide variety of cancer, but it is especially important to eat men to avoid prostate cancer.

2. Avocado

Avocado has long been recognized as a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of developing cancer. This fruit contains large amounts of glutathione, whereby the cells of the body protected from dangerous radicals. Just add a slice of avocado to a sandwich, slice it into a salad or prepare the famous guacamole to save not only the youth, but also health.

3. Tomatoes

The active ingredient contained in tomatoes help to prevent cancers is lycopene, which gives tomatoes their deep red color. Please note that the maximum concentration of this substance is concentrated in the cherry tomatoes. Another important point: lycopene is absorbed better if at the same time with the tomatoes to eat fats, for example, season the tomato salad with olive oil.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is a unique product which not just has a prophylactic effect against cancer, but also helps to fight with him. This is due to the high content of sulforaphane, a substance that stimulates the immune system and is able to prevent the appearance of new tumors. For best results, broccoli needs to eat regularly, preferably boiled and without any dressings and sauces.

5. Cauliflower

The cauliflower, like broccoli, contains sulforaphane, however, in slightly lower concentrations. However, this product is an excellent prevention of cancer problems. It is important to remember that this is valuable stuff we’re talking about is the process of chewing, so chew cauliflower for optimum results.

6. Garlic

A property of the volatile contained in garlic can suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi has long been known. However, modern scientists have proven the effectiveness of this substance in the fight against cancer. Eat only 1-2 cloves a day, adding them in salads, and your body will be protected from all cancer problems. But keep in mind that during heat treatment the volatile are not saved, so it is important to eat garlic raw.

7. Walnuts

Those who daily eats a handful of walnuts, the risk of cancer is drastically reduced. First, walnuts enhance the activity of immune cells, which means that the body is well protected. And secondly, vitamin E is part of the nuts, inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and does not allow existing tumors to metastasize.

8. Ginger

Scientists are finding more evidence that ginger not only helps in the fight against breast cancer, skin and lungs but is an effective preventive measure. If you have a genetic predisposition, pay attention to the ginger root by adding it to salads, steamed vegetables, and even beverages.

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