Home / Medicine / Egg protein will help to fight high blood pressure

Egg protein will help to fight high blood pressure

Яичный белок поможет бороться с высоким давлениемSubstance contained in egg whites help to reduce pressure.

Chinese doctors claim that high blood pressure can be treated with the eggs, namely, egg protein.

So far scientists have come as a result of the experiments conducted by Jilin University. The results also showed that the peptide, called RVPSL, thanks to its properties provides blocking the production of substances that cause increase in blood pressure.

According to the researchers, 50 grams of peptide RVPSL approximately equivalent to two chicken eggs.

This dose of peptide has the same effect as ten milligrams of captopril drug, which are taking high blood pressure hypertension.

It is curious that in comparison with medical drugs, the peptide does not cause side effects. The peptide RVPSL, which is included in egg whites, helps to reduce the pressure and after thermal processing. Peptide protein possible use as prevention of hypertension and its treatment.

Doctors claim that in the near future, the egg whites can become a valuable auxiliary means of treatment and prevention of hypertensive diseases.

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