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Named the best products for preserving youth

What should eat each day to stay irresistible. Women are particularly vulnerable to hormonal disruptions – due to bad environment, stress, poor diet and other factors. And when disturbed hormonal failure, beauty fades, the nails become brittle, fade hair, the skin loses its elasticity. Disturbed menstrual cycle. For good female …

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Scientists have named another benefit from fresh air

Walking will help to improve self-esteem. Finding outdoors is not only healthy, but also can help people feel more confident. Scientists from the University of Anglia Ruskin found that people who spend more time outdoors, have a more positive perception of their body and higher self esteem. The results can …

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The best foods for strong and healthy hair

Hair – the main ornament of women. Healthy hair is one of the main decorations of women. Due to frequent coloring, styling, perming, and improper care, hair loses its Shine and strength. How to make curls thick and strong. It has long been observed that unhealthy people are losing hair …

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The main causes and symptoms of liver failure

The liver is very important for many functions in the body. It is therefore necessary to know the signs of liver damage and how to take care of her health. There are more than 100 different types of liver diseases and each of them is manifested in different ways. Some …

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Nutritionists explained why you should not abuse the milk

According to scientists, the usefulness of milk is very exaggerated. A group of leading scientists from the UK found that excessive use of milk could adversely affect the health of people. This conclusion experts have made after they have been developed with a set of tests. In particular, it was …

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Discovered a link between handwriting and health

Handwriting can identify the presence of various diseases. A group of Israeli scientists conducted a study, which was able to determine how certain health problems can be determined through handwriting. It turns out that the shape and slant of the letters can be indicators of the emergence of certain types …

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The doctors explained why TV can be good for small children

TV helps children learn new words. University of Wisconsin-Madison have found out that children can facilitate the process of memorizing new words. It turned out that extraneous noise (e.g., sounds, radio, TV) enhances the absorption of words. This was proved by the experiment with 106 children. First, the children read …

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Drinking grapefruit juice is fraught with danger

It is dangerous to combine with certain medications. Grapefruit juice can be dangerous to health, and in combination with some drugs even lethal. Doctors have compiled a list of drugs with which the use of the juice is not recommended. Scientists from the University of the province of South-Western Ontario …

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