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Scientists have named another benefit from fresh air

Ученые назвали еще одну пользу от прогулок на свежем воздухе Walking will help to improve self-esteem.

Finding outdoors is not only healthy, but also can help people feel more confident. Scientists from the University of Anglia Ruskin found that people who spend more time outdoors, have a more positive perception of their body and higher self esteem. The results can mean that people who suffer from insecurities about their figure as well as people with eating disorders can benefit more from staying in the fresh air.

Previous studies have shown that people who live near green spaces have a higher life satisfaction and are less likely to suffer from mental disorders. A recent study found a link between being outdoors and with people’s perception of their body. In tests it was found that the presence in the natural environment can strengthen the understanding that man is an important part of a wider ecosystem, allowing you to feel more respect for your body.

It can also help people not to pay attention to the pressure of society and reduce the need to conform to stereotypes, for example, be thin or beefy. These data were obtained during the study of 199 women and 200 men aged 19 to 76 years.

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