Home / Medicine / Nutritionists told about the hazardous properties of watermelons

Nutritionists told about the hazardous properties of watermelons

 Диетологи рассказали об опасных свойствах арбузов You should be wary of poisoning.

There comes a time one of the most desirable flight and autumn berries – watermelon. Most people love to eat watermelon in the summer heat due to its moist pulp. But as it turned out, this product besides having a huge impact on the body.

Experts say that watermelon is one of the healthiest berries, which is recommended for almost everyone. Watermelon on 90% consists of water, contains very little protein and virtually no fat, so will not break any diet. In the fruit contains cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, folic acid, carotene and many other valuable substances to the body. Watermelon has diuretic properties, it is recommended for edema caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and fiber, which he is rich, stimulates intestinal motility and promotes excretion of excess cholesterol.

Experts identify the main useful properties of watermelon.

1. Improves skin health

If you feel like you are in a state of perpetual war for the health of the skin, or just want to add radiance and freshness, try to introduce watermelon to your diet. According to studies, vitamin a in watermelon accelerates the recovery of tissues and promotes fresh-looking skin of the whole body.

2. Revitalizes heart

Anyone who is suffering from heart problems or experience pain in the chest, in any case, should consult a doctor. But experts are unanimous that the lycopene contained in watermelons, strengthens the heart muscle. Moreover, vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium, help to reduce cholesterol and thus protect the heart from dangerous conditions.

3. Improves the health of the kidneys

The release of a kidney stone can become your most painful experience, because never forget to take care of maintaining the health of the kidneys. Knew even our grandmothers, but scientists also confirmed that the consumption of watermelon improves urination without any stress for the kidneys.

4. Improves eye health

Adding to the diet more watermelon, you can easily improve eye health and enhance visual acuity. The vitamin a contained in watermelon, protects against age-related changes in the eye muscle, as well as prevent so-called night blindness.

5. Affects bone health

The importance of healthy bones cannot be overemphasized, especially in adulthood. Fortunately, watermelons contain lycopene, and calcium, which are extremely useful for bone strength and prevents their damage.

6. Lowers blood pressure

Many people try to lower blood pressure through exercise and dieting, and they definitely should include watermelon in your diet. The magnesium and potassium contained in watermelon, which helps to lower blood pressure.

7. Struggling with asthma

Experts say that the high content in watermelon vitamin C helps to reduce the risk of asthma. And those who are already suffering from this disease, the nutrients contained in watermelons, helps to improve the overall condition of the lungs.

How to avoid poisoning watermelons

Watermelon has the ability to rid the body of harmful toxins, but only on the condition that it is fresh, natural and grown without chemicals and harmful substances, said the physician Victoria Savitskaya.

“Melons, like all melons accumulate the various nitrates, such as phosphorus, potassium and others – they are contained in the soil and used to fertilize the soil and accelerate ripening. Nitrate watermelons can cause severe poisoning, the particular dangers they pose to children, because even if you decide at your own risk to buy the first watermelon, you can’t feed the baby,” says the doctor.

In addition, watermelons can develop dangerous microbes – they can be in fertilizer, which they watered, and also to get to the berries from the ground on which they lie. Therefore it is important to purchase the watermelon rind intact, as they are germs and harmful bacteria had got inside.

The expert drew attention to the fact that many poisonings occur as a result of buying sliced watermelons and cantaloupes, Packed in plastic wrap. Before cutting them rarely washes, and all the bacteria get to the pulp, plus not the fact that the cut berries with a clean knife and on a sterile surface. And covering the cut with plastic wrap, the sellers actually create bacteria the ideal conditions for rapid spread.

Nitrates have no taste or taste. Because the time to feel the danger and to stop using an unsafe product, it is impossible. However, since you made a false start when buying a watermelon, you should pay attention to a number of characteristic features that point to content in the fruit of harmful substances. And finally to ensure security of the berries, you can conduct several simple tests at home, said the expert.

That watermelon is safe, must specify yellow spot on one of its sides, it shows that the fruit of the long contact of this place to the ground, while growing up. So any growth accelerators it is not stuffed. When compression of the watermelon it should make a quiet, barely audible crackle, and the stripes on it should be well expressed.

Before buying it is desirable to slightly scratch the fruit with a fingernail – if the berry is grown in natural conditions, the peel will be easy to strip off, and not to “push” down.

“It is safest to buy a portable nitrometer is not a very expensive device, it fits in women’s purse, but upon contact with the pulp (after all, the markets always offer to cut a watermelon), it quite accurately shows you just how safe this fruit. There are also a few simple ways to determine the safety of watermelon at home. Just put the watermelon in the water (unless, of course, it is not incised) – a safe fruit to stay on the water, and at high amount of nitrates it will sink to the bottom. If the watermelon is cut already in the market, cut down the slices and look at the cut. In safe to eat the watermelon they can’t be flat, moreover, will be visible specks in the pulp, but cut nitrate berries will be perfectly smooth,” – said the expert.

You can also inspect the flesh of the watermelon which has been cut in half, the presence of white or yellow veins – a sure sign that the berries were grown with the use of dangerous drugs.

Another option is to cut a little flesh and put in a glass of clean water. If she was pink – watermelon to use unsafe.

Experts recommend not to rush to buy early water-melons and to wait until mid-August so that the fruit gets to your table, was safe and useful. But, alas, not all can resist. If after a meal, you abruptly felt sick, should as soon as possible call an ambulance, as the poisoning watermelon is among the most dangerous, and in some cases may even become fatal.

“Symptoms of poisoning with watermelon are often pretty quickly – in just a few hours after consumption. The main of them is severe headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes fever, cramps and aching joints. In such cases, I recommend urgently to call an ambulance, as this condition can be dangerous, especially dangerous contained in watermelons nitrates to early berries shouldn’t. And kids up to six years even in the peak season watermelons isn’t worth trying,” says Victoria Savitskaya.

Before arrival of doctors to ease a patient’s condition, you have to give him to drink – the usual clean water. It is desirable that the man drank so much water that was vomiting. It is also possible and even better to drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To drink it is anyone who were eating watermelon together with the patient, it is not necessary to wait until any unpleasant symptoms manifest, the doctor advises.

If you managed to clean the stomach in time, and the temperature of the rolls, hospitalization is probably not necessary. Necessarily the whole family drink activated charcoal is also a laxative, and children need to do an enema.

The next day, and it is better three days after the poisoning, you need to lie in bed, because the body is very weak. Thus it is necessary to drink a lot – a very simple mineral water without gas, better warm it can be herbal teas without sugar.

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