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Salt-free diet for effective weight loss

It gives fast results. You can often hear that salt is white poison for the body. This is wrong, salt is necessary for proper metabolism. But for weight loss you can effectively use salt-free diet. Salt the body needs, but in moderation. Many familiar foods contain a lot of salt …

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The doctors told us how chocolate affects vision

Dark chocolate increases visual acuity in situations of poor visibility, e.g. in foggy weather. In addition, chocolate improves brain function, lowers blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity and platelet count…. Researchers from the University of reading, UK, attracted to their work, 30 men and women aged 18-25 years, …

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These habits disrupt metabolism

This, in turn, hinders the process of losing weight. The rate of metabolism depends on several factors such as the individual’s age, weight and genetics. And although changing the rate of metabolism is not so simple, however, it can be accelerated. If your goal is weight loss, try to avoid …

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The secrets of longevity from the Chinese doctors

The Chinese are real experts in this matter. Is it possible to remain young at 60? Is it possible to live to a hundred years? How not to get chronic diseases that often accompany advanced age? The answers to these questions knows traditional Chinese medicine. For centuries the emperors of …

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How to drink water to extract the maximum benefit

Plain water can replace medication. To drink clean water without gas before Breakfast everyone needs. We often hear recommendations to drink not just water, but water with lemon, and it becomes a healthy habit for many of us. But the Japanese have developed a special technique which helps to cure …

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Drink of these products may reduce cholesterol

Smoothie of melon and banana is tasty and healthy. From melons and bananas you can make a delicious smoothie that will help to reduce the cholesterol in the body to improve your health and wellbeing. Natural fruit smoothies are a very good tool if we want to reduce the cholesterol …

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