Home / Medicine / Nutritionists said that helps to lose weight even in your sleep

Nutritionists said that helps to lose weight even in your sleep

Диетологи рассказали, что поможет худеть даже во снеFor the benefit of the beauty you can spend even the time when we are not on a diet and can’t exercise.

In order to lose the extra pounds in your sleep, you need to follow a few rules, which in turn will prepare your body .


A few simple yoga exercises will allow you to relax, reduce tension and adjust the body to a more calm, strong and healthy sleep.


Bright light suppresses the synthesis of melatonin, leading to sleep disorders. Do not use before bed smartphones, turn off the TV and start to dim the lights in the room along with a sunset. One of Oxford research showed that women who slept in dark rooms, were 21% less likely to be overweight than women, a room which is a little bit covered.


One hour or 30 minutes before bedtime is useful to engage in enjoyable, relaxing activities. This is true for reading a good book. It is best in this case to choose a book “in paper” because the gadgets have an irritating glow. Reading lights should be dim. It is not necessary to read stories with too much plot, and a different kind of “horror” – it can cause unpleasant dreams or excitement, which will not hard to sleep.

Comfort temperature

To sleep and to lose weight in your sleep, the bedroom should be fairly cool. Studies show that when people are sleeping at a temperature of 19 degrees white fat stores energy, into brown fat, which it spends.

Dairy products

Before bedtime is useful to drink a glass of milk, Greek yogurt or even a protein shake. Milk contains the protein casein which during the night will feed the muscles with amino acids. Thus, during sleep will increase muscle mass, improve metabolism and burn more calories.

Abstinence from alcohol

Even if you think that a glass of red wine will help you fall asleep faster, don’t drink it. Alcohol, drinking before going to sleep, affects sleep quality in the second half of the night, making your sleep restless and fragmented. This is because the processing of sugar by the body not allowing the body to relax.

By following these few and simple rules, you can get from sleeping more than usual. Sound sleep is the key to not only health and wellbeing but also weight loss. According to studies, even under equal conditions of nutrition, people who slept for 8.5 hours a day, twice burned more calories than those who slept only 5.5 hours.

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