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How to drink water to extract the maximum benefit

Как пить воду, чтобы извлечь максимум пользы Plain water can replace medication.

To drink clean water without gas before Breakfast everyone needs. We often hear recommendations to drink not just water, but water with lemon, and it becomes a healthy habit for many of us. But the Japanese have developed a special technique which helps to cure a number of diseases or to relieve the symptoms with just one of water.

Called the following disorders: headache, pain in the abdomen due to fermentation, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, diseases of the ear, throat, nose, asthma and other diseases.

How to drink water on an empty stomach, to cure these and other diseases or to relieve a particular symptom?

Waking up, we should immediately drink 4 small cups of water (160 ml) at room temperature. This should be done before brushing your teeth.

2. You should then brush your teeth, but also to refrain from food and drink for another 45 minutes.

3. Then you can have Breakfast as usual.

4. After Breakfast, do not eat and drink for 2 hours.

Attention! If it is difficult to drink just as much water, it is possible initially to reduce the amount you drink by half and then increase the volume to a comfortable pace.

Treatment of drinking water in different disease States will be different. There are some recommendations and best practices:

For high blood pressure it is advisable to drink water on an empty stomach in this mode for 30 days.

Gastritis requires only 10 days — reducing painful sensations become apparent. But the aggravation is still possible. Especially when you consider that the cause of gastritis could be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Typically, modern doctors recommend antibiotic treatment difficult to get rid of this disease. But in any case, you can try first to drink water, in order to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, and then to start treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

Diabetes of the 2nd type could retreat for 30 days.

From constipation to really get in 10 days.

But it is not always necessary to count days, during which you should drink water. They should not limit the use of water under this scheme. Well, if it will be for you and your family with the habit for life. So you will be able to get rid of a number of diseases and to avoid their occurrence in future.

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