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Salt-free diet for effective weight loss

 Бессолевая диета для результативного похудения It gives fast results.

You can often hear that salt is white poison for the body. This is wrong, salt is necessary for proper metabolism. But for weight loss you can effectively use salt-free diet.

Salt the body needs, but in moderation. Many familiar foods contain a lot of salt — fast food, salted nuts, smoked meats, chips, sausage. But we all know that salt retains water in the body, and it contributes to the development of various diseases and weight gain. To help cope with these problems salt-free diet for weight loss.

Diet with all diet products without salt or with only small amounts, promotes fast weight loss in a short time, as excess water from the body. And in combination with moderate exercise fast enough, you can get in shape and show off a slender body.

Salt the body needs, because the sodium takes part in many metabolic processes. But we should not forget that the amount of salt, without which man cannot do, is quite small, only about 5 g (a teaspoon without slides) per day. In fact, almost all people use it much more, especially in winter and spring, when diet few berries and fruits.

In the early days salt-free diet food will be fresh, especially for those who are used liberally salting food. But after a while the taste preferences will change and food will again be delicious. And yet to make the dishes taste, you can use spices, onion, garlic, spice, lemon juice.

Some foods should be entirely excluded from their menu. In the first place is the fast food, prepared food, pickles, marinades, smoked pork products, sausage, sausages, salted nuts, chips. This ready-to-eat foods and they contain a lot of salt.

In addition, eliminate fats, fatty meat, hard cheeses. Usually, when a salt-free diet, to give up fatty food is not difficult, they seem quite tasteless without salt. At the time of diet recommended these products to drink: rye and wheat bread, soups, vegetable or fish broth, lean beef, poultry, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products (except cheese and homemade sour cream). It is useful to start the day with a smoothie.

Beneficial foods with salt-free diet: cheese, milk, honey, mushrooms, beans, figs, apricots, cabbage, potatoes, raisins, fresh fruit, berries and vegetables

Note that while a salt-free diet for weight loss rejection of salt is not complete. Food is permitted to add salt, but only slightly and not while cooking, but only in the plate, but salt should not be very much. Eat small portions five times a day. From the table get up with a slight feeling of hunger.

Sample menu salt-free diet

There are several options of salt-free diet: for 7 and 15 days. Strictly adhere to the daily menu does not make sense, because the products for cooking you can use a variety subject to the prohibitions and recommendations. For acquaintance it is possible to result a menu of salt-free diet for the day:

Breakfast: tea with milk, bread, cheese;second Breakfast: baked Apple;lunch: vegetable soup with mushrooms, salad with tomatoes, Apple pie with apples;afternoon snack: bread with jam, broth hips or tea dinner: boiled potatoes, leafy salad with low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit.

Early weight fast is reset due to removal of excess water from the body, then the appetite is reduced due to the fact that cooked food without salt seems tasteless. Gradually in the diet increases the amount of food that is eaten without salt, and fruit, vegetables, dairy products. Such foods just promotes the real weight loss.

Note that salt-free diet has a number of contraindications. For example, it must be abandoned in hot weather and at high physical loads. With the heat and physical exertion sodium is consumed faster by the body, so the diet no salt at this time, you can cause yourself more harm than good.

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