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Massage these points will help to get rid of back pain

Массаж этих точек поможет избавиться от боли в спине A foot massage makes you feel good.

On our feet there is a large number of important points right the impact of which can stimulate certain organs, relieve pain and improve overall health. To relieve the pain in the back can also with the help of foot massage.

Our back daily exposed to incredible stress, atmospheric pressure, pressure on the spine when walking, in an awkward position at your Desk, disease type, curvature of the spine and degenerative disc disease. All of this creates discomfort and even back pain. But not always we have the opportunity to immediately contact to doctor or therapist for help. In this case, to help relieve back pain using foot massage.

On the edge of the foot are the points interconnected with our spine. There are projected all the problems in the back. They are detected in the form of painful points on the foot that should properly massage.

Массаж этих точек поможет избавиться от боли в спине

Sit on the floor with legs crossed. Pick up a foot (any). Look on the inner side of the foot the desired point (as pictured).

The line between the heel and the thumb on the inner part of the foot is a “projection” of the spine. Visually divide this line into parts: sacrum, lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine.

The thumb with a force of promnite this line in the direction from heel to toe.

If the spine has problems, you will find their reflection in the form of pain and stiffness of the tissues when pressed. Massaging them, you operate on the spine directly, and relax those nerve endings that create the tension. Due to such a mild impact on the foot can be removed or at least ease the pain.
To prevent problems with the spine you can do a foot massage from back pain every few days. Just don’t press too hard. It is advisable to use a cream or massage oil.

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