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What medicines to take with you on vacation

List of medicines for the most common holiday health problems The holidays are in full swing. Collecting suitcases, do not forget about the medications and you’d better not useful, but let will be on hand. What should I put in a travel kit. Cough. The probability of catching a cold …

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Families where girls are born, often divorced

Couples who have a daughter, get divorced more often than couples with sons. Some researchers have suggested that the girls themselves provoke a divorce. However, the reason may be not the case, say researchers from Duke University, USA. Specialists in the study came to the conclusion that girls may be …

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Why wine is useful for diabetics

According to the results of an international study, one glass of red wine with dinner helps people with diabetes of the 2nd type to sleep, improves the metabolism. In addition, it increases levels of HDL, which significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study involved 224 people with diabetes …

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Who can sleep through noise

Some lucky people are able to sleep under any circumstances. A study conducted by Department of sleep Hospital in Massachusetts (USA), will soon help such sensitive people sleep. It turned out that the reason for this insomnia lies in the peculiarities of the electrical activity of the brain, specifically in …

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Simple ways how to quickly relieve stress

Here are a few simple ways to bring yourself back into balance after an emotional shake-up. 1. Comb. During the working day in front of the monitor, mimic muscles are so strained that the head becomes heavy and starts to hurt. One of the ways to avoid stress – brushing …

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Called friendly foods for men’s health

The male body needs much more zinc, which increases the ability to resist virus attacks and improves the prostate gland.Healthy food is important for everyone, but it turned out that there are products that composition of minerals and vitamins need more representatives of a strong half of mankind. Others, on …

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Top 9 alternatives to caffeine that are well invigorate

Coffee drink loved by many people for an invigorating aroma and deep flavor. Experts tell what to replace coffee with health benefits. These drinks not only boost energy, but will also improve the functioning of the organism as a whole. Green tea You can’t survive a morning without a Cup …

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Lack of sleep increases the risk of stroke – doctors

So you can do all your planned business, we often steal time from their sleep. New research suggests that a lack or overabundance of sleep is a risk factor for stroke and may prevent the rehabilitation period. A review of published studies has shown that such sleep disorders as insomnia …

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Fans read live longer – scientists

A love of literature not only positively affects the intellectual level of a person. Reading prolongs life. According to scientists, to live longer, you need to devote at least 30 minutes of personal time reading books. Experts conducted an experiment, which was attended by 3.5 thousand people over the age …

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