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Why wine is useful for diabetics

Почему вино полезно диабетикамAccording to the results of an international study, one glass of red wine with dinner helps people with diabetes of the 2nd type to sleep, improves the metabolism.

In addition, it increases levels of HDL, which significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study involved 224 people with diabetes of the 2nd type, moderate amounts consumed of different beverages. During the evening meal, the volunteers drank 142 ml of one of the following drinks: mineral water, dry white wine or dry red wine.

Each participant filled out a specific questionnaire and did blood tests so the researchers could control the level of glucose, lipids and various markers associated with liver function. According to the study, the group of participants that consumed red wine, there was an increase in the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL).

The researchers also noted that those who drank wine, there was a significant reduction in the number of metabolic syndrome components. As well as improved sleep, reported the online edition 365news.biz. The researchers came to the conclusion that the combination of a healthy diet with moderate consumption of wine, especially red, helps to reduce the risk of cardio-metabolic diseases.

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