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Early grey hair: causes and solutions

Doctors advised how to deal with early gray.The gray-haired young people today have become common. In modern society, you meet a young girl or guy with “natural highlights” on the head. It is the process of aging so close and sealed? Before proceeding to the fight against grey hair, you …

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Named the main symptoms of osteochondrosis

The doctors called signs and methods of prevention of degenerative disc disease.Today cervical and sacral osteochondrosis, treatment and prevention of other pathologies of the spine concern not only the elderly. Worst of all, once begun, these diseases are not healed until the end. But you can prevent and slow their …

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Nutritionists said, who must often eat watermelon

In early August, in cities there are watermelon stalls. And if so — go for round minke whales! Watermelon is nearly 90% water, so an abundance of vitamins he can not boast. However, this does not mean that the striped berry is not something to love. Especially useful watermelons: Clerks …

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These dangerous products are very popular

Food that millions consume every day is extremely harmful to the body. Smoked sausage Ordinary Smoking process is currently used infrequently. Usually manufacturers withstand future sausage in a special smoke fluid, which includes toxic formaldehyde. Lollipops Part of candy consists of substances that can harm as tooth enamel and destroying …

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Simple ways to excrete excess water

Get rid of the swelling. It is no secret that a large part of excess weight is ballast water unnecessary water accumulated in the body due to various reasons. Not only that, the swelling caused by the presence of this water, increase the risks to health, they are still ugly …

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Obesity can lead to “trouble” with the brain

Excess weight leads to shrinkage of the brain. This statement came from the lips of British scientific workers of the University. They conducted a large-scale experiment with the participation of 500 volunteers aged 20-87 years. Scientists scanned the brains of people from different weight categories. Data analysis showed that the …

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Snoring increases the risk of this deadly disease

To such conclusion the American scientists. Scientists conducted a study in which over 4.5 years participated more than 5 thousand patients of different age of both sexes. None of the subjects at the beginning of the experiment was not diagnosed with cancer. Watching the volunteers and analyzing the data, the …

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The doctors called products, which is not all

They are considered the most “dirty” foods. Scientists Center for control and prevention of diseases suggested the fair sex study the list of the ten most dirty food. According to experts, a thorough treatment of these components of the daily diet can reduce the chances of catching foodborne diseases. Project …

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