Home / Medicine / Nutritionists said, who must often eat watermelon

Nutritionists said, who must often eat watermelon

Диетологи сообщили, кому нужно чаще есть арбузыIn early August, in cities there are watermelon stalls. And if so — go for round minke whales!

Watermelon is nearly 90% water, so an abundance of vitamins he can not boast. However, this does not mean that the striped berry is not something to love.

Especially useful watermelons:

Clerks — the content of vitamin A watermelon is inferior to the carrots almost 3 times, but it started to eat striped berries can be much more than fresh carrots. As such, those who work a lot at the computer and wants to maintain sharp vision, is to love juicy fruit.

The boss constantly experiencing stress and suffering from high blood pressure it is necessary to ensure that the diet has enough magnesium and watermelon pulp this item a lot! 200 grams of watermelon will cover your daily requirement for magnesium.

Athletes in the striped berries contain substances that reduce the amount of lactic acid in muscles, which causes pain after an intense workout. So after visiting the gym is to treat yourself to a slice of watermelon — it helps to avoid aches the next day, and at the same time quench thirst.

Losing weight — a watermelon fills the stomach, eliminating hunger, and calories in it quite a bit — just 30 to 100 g. besides, watermelon is high in water, without which losing weight is not enough, because if a person consumes plenty of fluids, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, the decay products appear faster and fat is broken down actively.

Cores — watermelon contains a substance called citrulline, which improves blood circulation and the abundance of water and fiber watermelon reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and is struggling with vascular plaques.

Workers of hazardous industries — watermelon is high in the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which helps to resist the adverse environment, preserves youth and protects against cancer.


Fortunately, the number of cases of poisoning watermelons from year to year is reduced. But still be careful not worth it.

Do not buy watermelons at a roadside tents. Watermelon rind absorbs harmful substances, including heavy metals from the air like a sponge. Watermelons sold near polluted freeways before you get to your table, have time to absorb the huge number of chemicals. And therefore it is better to look for a tent, being away from the highway.

Check the pallet. Under the regulations, sellers of watermelons should not keep their goods on the ground. Each watermelon tent should be equipped with special trays, raised at least 20 cm above the pavement.

Do not buy the cut watermelons even in supermarkets. Watermelon flesh — the perfect breeding ground for various bacteria. And where is the guarantee that your watermelon was cut clean with a knife, pre-washed rind? For the same reason you should not buy broken or cracked watermelons.

Диетологи сообщили, кому нужно чаще есть арбузы

How to choose ripe watermelon

Connoisseurs know how to distinguish a ripe melon from a green by patting and squeezing. Will be louder than the sound of a slap and a louder crackling, the tastier will be the watermelon.

The greater the difference between light and dark stripes on the skin of watermelon, the greater the likelihood that it will become red and sweet.

Usually ripe melons are fairly large and thus relatively light for its size.

A ripe watermelon is usually a yellow spot on the side where the watermelon skin in contact with the ground while the fruit is not disrupted. From immature specimens this spot is white.


Composition: 150 ml watermelon juice 4-5 mint leaves, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Preparation: remove the watermelon flesh, cut into its pieces of arbitrary size, small portions and RUB through a fine sieve. To flesh rubbed faster, you can take out all the bones. The juice to drain into the pitcher. On the bottom of the glass to put 4-5 mint leaves, add sugar and lightly crush with a knife handle. Add the lemon and watermelon juice.

Candied peels

Ingredients: 1 kg of watermelon rind, 1 kg of sugar, 3 cups of water.

Cooking with watermelon rind to cut off the outer green skin. Cleansed peel rinse well. Slice the white flesh in small cubes or strips. Peel add to the pot, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Discard the peel in a colander to glass liquid. Prepare the syrup: in a saucepan add sugar, pour water, stir and bring to a boil. In the ready sugar syrup to shift the peel, mix, flatten the surface and leave for 8-12 hours. Peel again put on fire, bring to boil, reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off and leave for maturation. Repeat procedure with cooking crusts and left standing.

The finished cover put on a colander. When the syrup has drained, sprinkle the crust with sugar (3-4 tablespoons) and mix gently. The tray or grid to lay parchment paper and spread her candied so that they do not touch each other. Preheat the oven to 40 degrees and leave the peel on the hour.

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