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Early grey hair: causes and solutions

Ранняя седина: причины и способы устраненияDoctors advised how to deal with early gray.

The gray-haired young people today have become common. In modern society, you meet a young girl or guy with “natural highlights” on the head. It is the process of aging so close and sealed?

Before proceeding to the fight against grey hair, you need to understand the reasons of their appearance.

The reasons for the appearance of “white marks”

Combing the mirror, people always want to look decent. But when the curls are ridiculous slips white gleam of white hair, sharply deteriorates the state of mind and mood. At this point it may seem that the body has failed at such an early age and caused premature aging. Among the main causes of gray hair are the following factors:

Hormonal failure organism, which can cause problems with human health;
Exhaustion diets;
Daily stress load;
Lack of vitamins and minerals;
Diseases of internal organs;
Wrong way of life.

Often the cause of gray hair color for men is stress. Enough to draw a parallel between a man acting as the defender of his homeland and an office worker. Every day, while under rifle and rocket-propelled grenades, the appearance of gray hair color for a soldier is not a rare phenomenon. However, a stressful situation at work from girls and guys too, have a place in peacetime. It all depends on the individual susceptibility of the person.

Why your hair turns grey, can tell the human body and its emaciated by disease of internal organs. The emergence of gray hair is a signal of the organism for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals increase the risk of white-haired roots and loss of hair follicles. Fangled diet can also trigger premature graying of hair and adversely affect their pigmentation.

About why hair turns gray early, and tell improper way of life. Alcohol dependence, frequent use of tobacco, drugs, psychotropic substances adversely affect the condition of blood flow to the hair follicles.

Is it possible to reduce the amount of gray hair?

Natural hair is an inevitable process which occurs under the influence of various factors. But the most important consequence is the reduction of melanin in the composition of the hair, responsible for its color and pigmentation. This coloring pigment can make use of in the diet the following natural ingredients:

Foods that contain protein: whole grains, eggs, meat, soybeans, grain;
Products with vitamin a and b fortified with iron and minerals: beans, bananas, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, green vegetables, tomatoes and more.

With the aim of reducing gray hair, allocate a specific remedy for gray hair – hair mask. Its main ingredients included in the composition are: fenugreek seeds, yoghurt paste and henna powder. The mask is applied as dye for gray hair. However, holding the composition within three to four hours. After the wash with shampoo for colored hair.

Endless agitation, anxiety pushing to the emergence of early graying. Therefore, the struggle with his own sensitivity and nerves a positive dynamic impact on the structure of hair and its pigmentation.

Effective remedy against gray hair is Indian gooseberry. The fruit of this plant must be dried and to take each day with a Cup of tea.

The struggle with gray hair using modern methods, actively used in medicine as mesotherapy. Using a thin needle is injected with a special solution, consisting of nutrients, nicotinic acid, vitamins of group B. Due to this procedure it is possible to stop the spread of white hair throughout the head section and slow down the renewal process of gray hair.

Advice on the correct coloring gray hair

Many men and women do not know how to get rid of the patchy gray hair that appeared in certain parts of the head. It is necessary to pick up the tone of the colorant, which is close to the tone of natural hair color. For people with red hair should choose henna and gray hair will not remain the slightest trace.

For brown hair will suit Basma and gray hair would remain only in the memories of bygone days. Natural paint colors is much more effective premature gray hair than other dyes.

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