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Named the main symptoms of osteochondrosis

Названы основные симптомы остеохондрозаThe doctors called signs and methods of prevention of degenerative disc disease.

Today cervical and sacral osteochondrosis, treatment and prevention of other pathologies of the spine concern not only the elderly.

Worst of all, once begun, these diseases are not healed until the end. But you can prevent and slow their development.

Signs of osteoarthritis

Called osteochondrosis degenerative changes of the cartilage and bone of the spine. The neck it affects the vertebrae of the thoracic and sacral departments. At a very early stage when still it is possible to prevent damage of the intervertebral discs, the disease is almost asymptomatic.

Notice her accidentally, for example, making x-rays or ultrasound in other diseases. Sometimes cervical osteochondrosis reported long-term symptoms:

the pillow seems too high or too low;
in the dream, and then “monitors” the hand;
morning whine of the shoulders and neck, and in the evening head for no reason;
dizziness occurs after a long sedentary work.

Then there are symptoms such as cracking when twisting and leaning difficulties in head movements, bouts of pain. This means that the intervertebral cartilages lose their elasticity due to the lack of nutrients, injury or microtrauma, thinning themselves, the clamp is located near nerves and blood vessels.

Timely prevention of cervical degenerative disc disease, exercises for the muscles of the shoulder and neck will help reduce pain, improve metabolism in the spinal column, to prevent further destruction of the vertebrae.

How to delay the disease?

There are several factors that have to early wear and tear of the spine. In the first place – power and static loads. The probability of relapse increases scoliosis, congenital anomalies, weak muscles. The prerequisites for degenerative disc disease is pregnancy with a weak muscle structure. Therefore, measures to prevent the beginning or recurrence of the disease are the following:

right to organize the workplace;
keep your posture and do not load the spine;
to ensure anatomicheski bed;
do the workout during the day;
strengthen the muscles of the neck and back physical exercises.

The widely publicized chondroprotector in the prevention of osteochondrosis useless – too weak they penetrate into the tissues of the spine. Methods of medical treatment are to relieve pain syndrome, the intake of vitamins, strengthening the nervous tissue. The main methods of treatment remain physiotherapy, medical gymnastics, massage and self-massage, acupuncture.

Prevention of degenerative disc disease in the workplace

There are certain requirements to the workplace, indicating the angles of inclination of the arms, legs, the height of the table and other details. Such recommendations are aimed at reducing the load on the back, act as prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other areas. Excluding the exact numbers, they take the form of useful tips:

Keep your back straight, but relaxed. It is possible to lean back in his chair with lumbar support and shoulder blades.
Protect yourself from scoliosis, leaning on one elbow, not throwing one leg over the other.
For standing work, change the supporting leg. Sitting at the table, rest against the floor with both feet, maintaining a right angle at the knees.

A lot of moving around by car? Take care to purchase a comfortable headrest and pads under your belt.
Less bend with the weight in hands, lift them on the straight legs only at the expense of the spine.
Take breaks to warm up, perform simple exercises for the neck.
Gymnastics at the table

Of course, the office is not always convenient to perform tilts and actively waving his arms. However, small exercises for the neck will not attract attention. What measures against osteoarthritis is available?

For flexibility and relaxation

View left and back as far as you can. Tilt the head to the clavicle and turn smoothly to the right shoulder, trying to touch chest with chin. Pausing in the rightmost point in 2-3 seconds, roll your head back. Repeat 10 times.
Place your right hand on the opposite knee and hold your left hand by the wrist. Gently turn your head to the left. Follow these 15 turns.

Raise your shoulders all the way up, sucking the head and then lower them. After 10 repetitions, move them forward/back as many times.

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