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Best teas for cleansing and weight loss

They are not only delicious, but also useful. In the struggle with excess weight is not only important what you eat but what you drink! Experts have compiled a list of 10 miracle teas that will help you control your appetite, cleanse the body and improve metabolism. Ginger tea Ginger …

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The basic rules of fasting days for pain in the back

Nutritionists advise to use the fasting days in a number of diseases. Excess weight (compared to normal) for more than 20% impact on the musculoskeletal machine and indicates the need for fasting days 1 time per week. They are appointed on the basis of the disease, weight, height and age …

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The best ways to get rid of heaviness in the stomach

They will gain ease and filled with energy. Usually after a heavy meal, we feel the discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Experts told how to quickly get rid of gravity. Chamomile tea Probably dried chamomile is found in every medicine Cabinet. This plant will help to quickly get rid of …

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This diet will rejuvenate your brain cells

Scientists have created a diet that will help to protect against Alzheimer’s disease and delay the aging of the brain by as much as 8 years. The diet name MIND was developed by the staff of the Medical center rush University on the basis of almost five years of research. …

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A useful property of Java, which you haven’t heard

That coffee useful and not so, scientists speculate for a long time. Scientists from the USA have found another useful property of coffee. As it turned out, one Cup of coffee in the morning reduces the risk of cancer. Coffee is one of the most favourite drinks of mankind. It …

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Which products best enhance the potency of men

The best foods to increase the potency. In order that the man did not lose his power in bed, he needs several times a week, eat very simple foods. As it became known, it’s chocolate, oysters and fish. Oysters recognized as an aphrodisiac for many years ago. If you eat …

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This berry is particularly useful for diabetics

Why blackberries need to have children and diabetics.In total company summer berries blackberries occupies a place of honor. The nice thing is that it begins the process of ripening blackberries in late July – early August, but it continues this process until almost the end of September, depending on weather, …

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