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A useful property of Java, which you haven’t heard

Полезное свойство кофе, о котором вы еще не слышалиThat coffee useful and not so, scientists speculate for a long time.

Scientists from the USA have found another useful property of coffee. As it turned out, one Cup of coffee in the morning reduces the risk of cancer.

Coffee is one of the most favourite drinks of mankind. It gives a charge of vivacity and activates the human body, which is especially important before heavy working day. US scientists decided to determine what useful properties have this drink. Oddly enough, they turned out to be quite a lot. One of the most important properties is the reduction of the probability of developing cancer.

Experts recommend starting your day with coffee, as it activates the body cells to fight against cancer. U.S. scientists conducted a study, the results of which it became known that two cups of coffee per day can protect the human body from several diseases, including cancer.

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