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Best teas for cleansing and weight loss

Лучшие чаи для очищения и похуденияThey are not only delicious, but also useful.

In the struggle with excess weight is not only important what you eat but what you drink! Experts have compiled a list of 10 miracle teas that will help you control your appetite, cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

Ginger tea

Ginger is the number one product for those who lose weight. The fact that ginger root contains essential oils that speed up metabolism and promote the breakdown of fats. But ginger tea also helps to fight off appetite! To prepare ginger tea for weight loss is very simple: take a small peeled root, cut into thin strips, pour hot water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little honey to taste. Let steep 10-15 minutes — ready! By the way, ginger tea for weight loss are very helpful for colds, but that’s another story…


Indian drink masala with a pleasant spicy taste will become your faithful assistant in the war against overweight. First, the tea with milk for weight loss is very invigorating so that you can safely replace the morning coffee, which retains liquid and are usually rejected any dietary programs. Secondly, masala improves digestion — and without the normal digestive tract to lose weight, as we know, is almost impossible. And third, this healing tea promotes the immune system. Preparing it is simple: the masala powder mixed with milk and hot water, optionally you can add spices, is particularly well suited cardamom. By itself, the drink is quite filling, so if you want to suppress appetite, safely drink it.


Japanese matcha tea — a favorite of American nutritionists, who in recent years was very fond of this drink. And for good reason! Finally, the fashion match reached us — this tea contains huge amount of nutrients and vitamins, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and this is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Isn’t that a reason to rather go to brew the matcha, and even replaced the healing drink scheduled snack?..

Green tea

Green tea is the basis of the Japanese diet and one of the reasons why Japanese women don’t get fat. The fact that this variety of tea contains catechins that help the body break down fats. Of course, this property only applies to natural leaf tea without additives — you can drink throughout the day. In addition, green tea for weight loss helps to rid the body of excess fluid, which means that the result on the scales you will see very soon.

Rosehip tea

It’s time to remember the familiar childhood taste of tea from rose hips! It turns out that wild rose has the property to numb the feeling of hunger. It is useful to drink 30-40 minutes before meals, then you will eat less. In addition, rose hips full of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Tea made from nettle leaves

Another tea that helps to control the appetite, consists of nettle leaves. One tablespoon to pour a glass of boiling water, to insist hour, then drain. Nettle contains a number of important elements — iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Besides the fact that this tea will help you less hungry, it is also useful for vessels, so don’t ignore grandma’s recipe!

Rowan tea

You will need a handful of fruits of mountain ash, which can also be mixed with rose hips. Mash the berries into a puree one tablespoon of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let stand. Drink the tea 3-4 times daily between meals — just half a Cup. This method will help you reduce your appetite and control how much you eat.

Tea from BlackBerry leaves

Tea made from dried leaves of BlackBerry is good because unlike most of these drinks has almost no contraindications — if you are experiencing discomfort in the stomach or gastritis, it is better to choose it. Pour a teaspoon of BlackBerry leaves with boiling water and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Better to drink it twice a day on an empty stomach, because the tea will weaken your appetite, and eat a large portion don’t want.

Apple tea

Notice that when you eat an Apple half an hour later you hungry with incredible power? So, if you want to drink warm Apple tea, the effect will reverse. Best for this drink suitable sour apples: you will need a small fruit which should be cut into thin slices, add some regular black tea and brew with boiling water. Can drink it 2-3 times a day an hour before meals.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea with a pleasant acidity, has a unique feature — slows the absorption of sugars. This, of course, does not mean you have to have a snack with chocolate, but this property of tea helps to reduce weight. In addition, this tea for weight loss improves performance of the digestive tract, and therefore promotes cleansing of the body.

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